Terrorist Jew Adam Schiff is Still Hyping Up Gibberish About White Terrorism

The terroristic Jew Adam Schiff, a Congressjew, is still hyping up gibberish about supposed white terrorism.

The Jew Schiff claimed this week that “Republicans don’t care” that whites are on the loose doing terrorism. He did not cite any examples of white people doing terrorism.

There is no evidence of white terrorism. After months of talking about it, an apparent white terrorist event happened – at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York – and the story was immediately dropped out of the media after it was revealed that at least one federal agent was in his Discord and knew about the attack before it happened.

The reality is that terrorism in general is not a big threat to anyone. It happens sometimes, but so do shark attacks. It’s not something worth spending a lot of time on. However, all of the terrorism that does happen is carried out by Islamic immigrants, because this is encouraged by many sects of their religion.

The goal of claiming whites are terrorists is to shut down speech. That is the goal. A lot more right-wing white people are now talking about the Jewish problem, so the Jews want to arrest us all – or at least further censor us – for supposedly inspiring terrorism.

The perpetrator of the Buffalo shooting, which was clearly induced by the FBI (there is quite simply no other reason they would stop talking about it), named me in his “manifesto” and I lost my domain (yet again) over it. Given that it was staged, it is obvious that the people who staged it put my name in there to get me blamed for it.

This is all because the Jews are unwilling to talk about the power they wield in society, and what they are doing with that power. They continue to claim that they are not “Jews,” but individuals – even as they organize as Jews to push through their definitively Jewish agenda against Christians.

Jews are not gods. We have a right to talk about them.

And that is absolutely the only thing that any “extremist” wants to do – we just want to discuss what exactly it means that Jews have such an astonishing amount of control over Western society, and we want to understand exactly what their plan is for using that power.

Things have definitely not gotten any better since they assumed control of America and most of Europe. In fact, the whole society has turned into a horrorshow.

This can’t go on forever, obviously. Either Jews are going to totally collapse society, or we are going to have a discussion about allowing non-Christians to control a Christian country and mold it to suit their own purposes.

It seems to me that the collapse option would be much worse for the Jews, all things considered.

They should in fact have an incentive to do the discussion.

The Cops are the Good Guys Now?

This Congress speech from Schiff also claimed that the cops are brave heroes, and there has to be more support for the cops.

Adam Schiff himself supported “defund the police.”

They will just say whatever. They will flip-flop back and forth, day after day, and speak with total passion about both sides of an issue.

There is no pattern you can derive from considering leftist policy beyond “what is good for the Jews.”