Texas Twister Destroys Criminal Beaners and Accomplices

Daily Stormer
February 10, 2017

Texas is fast positioning itself as the place not to be an illegal scumbag.

The Texas Tribune:

The Republican-controlled Texas Senate gave its final stamp of approval on Wednesday to a controversial bill that would gut funding from local and state entities that don’t enforce immigration laws.

Senate Bill 4, filed by state Sen. Charles Perry, would punish local and state government entities and college campuses that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials or enforce immigration laws. Wednesday’s vote was 20-10 along party lines, with state Sen. José Rodríguez, D-El Paso, absent. Rodriguez was present a day earlier, when the Senate tentatively approved it on a 20-11 vote.

The bill would also punish local governments if their law enforcement agencies fail to honor requests, known as detainers, from federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers to hand over immigrants in custody for possible deportation. Entities in violation would be stripped of state grant funding and also be subject to civil fines. Department heads could also be subject to criminal prosecution if they violate the provisions of the bill.

Nah, we’re sending you over that wall, you little wetback bastard

This is The Trump Effect on full display. Texans have long desired the removal of these subhumans from our glorious republic, but our craven politicians have long caved to the whining of the left, the grifting of the Evangelical Movement, and the glad-handing and palm-greasing of Big Business, Big Agra and the National Chamber of Commerce.

Those days are over, and our politicians, ever holding up their fingers to see which way the wind blows, have now detected a category F-5 tornado of REMOVE WETBACK!

They know that if they do not Remove Wetback, the people of Texas will REMOVE POLITICAL WHORES!

So that’s that. One way or another, they’re gone.

However, apparently the Pavement Apes and Burro Jockeys of Dallas County have yet to receive the memo.

Let me put this in perspective. The City of Dallas is only 12% White. It is overwhelmingly black and Latino, most of the Latinos being illegals. These dumb bastards have just signed a financial death warrant for Dallas County. If they persist in this monkey-brained commie nonsense, they will lose all federal and state funds, and trust me, these welfare dindus and beaners aren’t gonna make up the difference. You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip, it’s just that simple. These idiots are beating their head against a wall (a big, beautiful wall! ;D) and now all that’s left is to see how long it takes them to break their own skulls.

Fox 4 Dallas:

One day after the passing of a resolution aimed at welcoming immigrants and refugees to Dallas County, the lieutenant governor and a Dallas state senator are speaking out against it.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said the resolution was a slap in the face to the Texas legislature.

Sen. Don Huffines released a statement saying Senate Bill 4 upholds the law. He said the governor, lieutenant governor and state senate are doing their jobs while Dallas County is risking lives locally.

Huffines called the resolution dangerous, irresponsible and reprehensible.

“Dallas County should focus on keeping Texans safe from criminal aliens instead of playing politics and taking jabs at the laws that they swore an oath to uphold. The resolution is irrational, and it is an affront to millions of law abiding legal immigrants,” he said.

Senate Bill 4 calls for jail time for sheriffs and other officials who refuse to enforce federal immigration law. Democrats say the bill would cause immigrant communities to fear police.

Officials who refuse to enforce the law should be jailed, and in some cases publicly hung, as refusing to enforce immigration law is obviously tantamount to treason.

And illegals should fear the police. They are criminals. Period.

True Texans will no longer tolerate traitors to our glorious state and the United States of America. That Texas Twister that I mentioned will cleanse our landscape and restore us to our status of The Most Free White People, Ever.

What a time to be alive!