Thank You for Your Service

I’m not even being ironic.

I mock the Republican/Democrat obsession with vets, where they are used as emotional blackmail pieces, and I mock the idea that a vet’s view matters more than a non-vet. But at the same time, any country that does not honor the people who go to fight their wars is not a real country.

The whole “thank you for your service” thing is obviously out of control, to the point where Republicans and Jews were saying that pulling out of Afghanistan was an attack on the troops. But we shouldn’t turn that into some extreme reactionary thing.

America isn’t a real country, hence the poor treatment of the active duty soldiers and vets. We are told that they are the reason we should fight endless wars, but they are forced to take vaccines, attacked for being white, and denied sufficient medical treatment.

It goes without saying that the wars that soldiers fight are not their choice. I do wonder about the people signing up for the service now, but none of the millennials who signed up knew that this country’s foreign policy was controlled by blood-sucking Jews.

Both of my grandpas fought in stupid wars that hurt America first and foremost (WWII and Korea). But they signed up and did their thing, and they deserve respect for that. Neither of them would have been comfortable with random strangers saying “thank you for your service,” and none of my millennial friends who fought the Moslems are comfortable with that either. But having one day a year to honor people who went and did an often very difficult job is appropriate.

The Democrats are hunting vets now as a part of their anti-white domestic terrorism hoax. That’s going to be very unpopular and the unpopularity of that should be exploited.

Don’t go around saying “f the vets” just because you’re sick of hearing Dan Crenshaw the Zioclops talk about how we have to fight wars against Russia and China because he lost his eye.

There is an appropriate middle ground: don’t accept that vets are morally superior to you, or that you somehow owe them something because they signed up for a difficult job. But acknowledge that they are brave people who did a hard job they didn’t have to do.