Based on their intelligence level, blacks should be harmless and a source of entertainment rather than fear and destruction.
An Oklahoma woman was arrested on Thursday after commenting on a police department’s Facebook post about her being an accessory to murder, authorities said.
Every week, the Tulsa Police Department posts on Facebook about their “Most Wanted” person of the week. Authorities were asking the public to help locate Lorraine Graves after detectives suspected she was involved in the March 13 killing of Eric Graves, 30.
Two other suspects were already arrested and charged for murder, but Tulsa police were unsure of Graves’ location and asked anyone with information on her whereabouts to call Tulsa Crime Stoppers. Turns out authorities didn’t have to search too far.
Less than three hours after the post was made, Graves commented: “What’s where’s the reward money at,” on the post.
On Friday, the Tulsa Police Department announced on Facebook that Graves was arrested in north Tulsa by the fugitive warrants unit. In the post, authorities shared the comments Graves made in the original post.
If anyone ever tells you that blacks are a threat in their own right, you need to remember stories like this.
Black people have never been and would never be a threat to anyone if it were not for the Jewish manipulation of their status in society. Without Jewish manipulation and all of these stupid hoaxes, all you find in the black culture is a bunch of helpless morons.
The criminal blacks are not a threat to anyone other than themselves and people in their immediate vicinity. The blacks who are more intelligent do not engage in the various criminal behaviors in the first place, and so are not a threat.
The masses of blacks could easily be rounded up with net guns and shipped back to Africa if it were not for the Jewish domination of the public narrative regarding these folks.
In fact, most of them wouldn’t have to be net-gunned and could simply be easily bribed to return to Africa.
The point being: there is no real problem with the blacks. Like the coronavirus or global warming hoaxes, the blacks are a manufactured crisis.
Remember: people who talk incessantly about the black issue are most likely just trying to distract you from the Jewish problem.
Since the days of Martin Luther Coon Jogger, the black movement has been nothing more or less than a Jewish conspiracy to undermine white society.