That Marine Who Got Canceled While Fighting for “Ukraine” People was Working for a Mercenary Company

When the story appeared yesterday, I thought this Marine who got canceled in the Ukraine was just a redditor.

Actually, no.

He was apparently working for a PMC (private military contractor), which was presumably an American company.

Fox News:

An American citizen and Marine veteran, Willy Joseph Cancel, died fighting alongside Ukrainian forces in Ukraine, the man’s widow confirmed to Fox News Digital early Friday morning.

“My husband did die in Ukraine,” Brittany Cancel, the widow of the 22-year-old Marine veteran, told Fox News Digital. “He went there wanting to help people, he had always felt that that was his main mission in life.”

Cancel leaves behind his wife and a 7-month-old son. He appears to be the first U.S. citizen to die while fighting alongside Ukrainians in Ukraine.

“My husband was very brave and a hero,” Cancel said. “I did not expect to be a widow at 23 years old or for our son to be without a father. All I want is for him to come home, and to give him the proper burial he deserves.”

The Marine veteran signed up to work for a private military contracting company on top of his full-time job as a corrections officer shortly before the war in Ukraine broke out at the end of February, Willy Cancel’s mother, Rebecca Cabrera, told CNN. After the war began, the company asked for contractors to fight in Ukraine and Cancel agreed to go, the mother said. Cabrera did not respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Your husband was not a hero, he was literally a mercenary roflmao. No one thinks mercenaries are heroes. Why don’t you watch a Hollywood movie some time, you stupid whore.

They used to be called “soldiers of fortune” and “men with no country.” There’s an old folk song…

“We’ll fight for no country, but we’ll die for good pay, under the flag of the greenback dollar or the peso down Mexico way.”

This actually happened.

The song references Americans hired by the revolutionary Mexican serial killer Pancho Villa – who actually invaded Columbus, New Mexico and killed 17 Americans, resulting in the Americans sending Black Jack Pershing to hunt him down.

Should I post the folk song about that?

That is definitely not the first time mercenaries joined a military that was killing people from their own country. Mercenary fighting is literally the opposite of being a hero. It is scum work, like drug dealing. In terms of reputation, mercenaries are much lower than hookers. At least hookers don’t hurt anyone.

Calling a mercenary a “hero” is an offense to every single person who ever died in a war actually fighting for his country.

(Word is, she was having sex with other men – especially the blacks – while her husband was being paid to invade Ukraine in the name of a lawless rules-based order run by vicious Jews.)

Okay, so – wait.

Back up.

The US is sending billions of dollars to the Ukraine – are they then allowed to use that money to hire US Marines working for PMC groups?

If so – LOL.

This is like some kind of “private companies can do whatever they want” on steroids.

“We didn’t invade the Ukraine – we just sent the Ukraine people money so they could hire former Marines working as mercenaries from our country to go fight in their country.”

I can’t find out what company he was working for. I think that would be findable if it was available. Maybe Max Blumenthal will figure it out. It doesn’t appear that this was announced by anyone other than the merc’s mother. But I think it is fair to assume it was an American company.

Russia kept calling the so-called “foreign legion” “mercenaries,” but those faggots from reddit were all literally volunteering.

How many American PMCs are there in the Ukraine? Shouldn’t this data be available?

This is definitely “the US sending troops to the Ukraine.” Using some convoluted thing where “we sent them money to pay us to send soldiers there, which is totally different from just sending unpaid soldiers there, because it’s not the government doing it” is just… that hurts my brain to even think about.

For those who don’t see the analogy: this is the same thing they did with the First Amendment, where all of these companies that are contracting with the United States government are censoring people, but the government says that doesn’t violate the First Amendment because it’s private companies doing it.

At one point I said: “The US is performing the weirdness on the world stage,” and talked about how they think destroying Russia is like censoring people on the internet. Taking “it’s not censorship if private companies are doing it” and turning it into “it’s not war if private companies are doing it” is beyond the pale.

In theory, the US Marines could be handing out information to US Marines about how they could be discharged from the military upon request if they agreed to sign up for a PMC and fight in the Ukraine (for much higher pay than the Marines, of course), give the Ukraine money to pay for these soldiers, and move an entire army into the Ukraine.

The similarity of thought between this and privatizing the entire internet and censoring everyone and then saying “but it’s not the government tho” cannot be stressed enough. The people running the US government (whoever that is – we do not really have any idea) are using all of these strategies used against the domestic population against Russia.

Maybe if Ned Price just keeps saying “rules-based order” over and over again, this will all seem acceptable to Americans.

But for the rest of the world, the idea of sending a country money to hire government-trained mercenaries from your country being fundamentally different from sending your military to aid them is not actually any different than sending in troops. It’s a “distinction without a difference,” as they say.

Someone should ask Ned Price how many US-military trained marines are fighting in the Ukraine. It also seems fair we should know if the US is subsidizing the companies sending the mercenaries or if they’re just giving the “Ukraine” people money to pay them.

Either way – we need to have some kind of information about how exactly this is different from “boots on the ground,” which we’ve been promised would not happen.

How can the world tolerate the lawlessness of this rules-based order?