The Anal Pope Meets with Nancy to Discuss Plans to Change the Weather

We’ve got one thing at the top of our list of priorities, and it supersedes all else: we need to change the weather and make it colder outside.

And we need to do it quickly.

Life Site News:

Nancy Pelosi met with Pope Francis during a private Vatican audience on Saturday, ahead of a preparatory meeting for a U.N.-sponsored climate conference.

In a statement after the meeting, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives called her audience with Pope Francis a “spiritual, personal and official honor,” praising his encyclical Laudato Si’ as “a powerful challenge to the global community to act decisively on the climate crisis,” as well as his call to “lif[t] up those who have been left out or left behind, especially in the time of COVID.”

The two exchanged warm greetings as well as gifts, including what appeared to be a signed copy of Pope Francis’ message for the Celebration of the 54th World Day of Peace to Pelosi.

Later that day, Pope Francis addressed the inter-parliamentary preparatory meeting for the upcoming U.N.-sponsored COP26 meeting on climate change, expressing his support for the radical goals of the conference. This includes a worldwide halving of Co2 emissions in order to “reach net zero carbon emissions by the middle of the century” and thereby “limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees.”

Ben Geman, writing for Axios, noted that the COP26 summit “comes as global emissions are nowhere close to beginning the steep downward path needed to meet the goals of the 2015 Paris climate agreement.”

“We appeal to governments to adopt without delay a course of action that would limit the average global temperature rise and to take courageous steps, including the strengthening of international cooperation,” Francis said in his address. “Care for our common home is not just a matter of discouraging and penalizing improper practices, but … above all, of concretely encouraging new paths to pursue.”

The global aspirations supported by Pope Francis align with those of the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s anti-Catholic “Great Reset,” which has been blasted by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò as “a global conspiracy against God and humanity” in his letter to former President Donald Trump.

Look, the Anal Pope gets it.

He’s on the ball.

He knows that the number one problem facing this earth is that it’s too hot outside, and people are getting all sweaty.

That’s way more important than abortion and the doom vax.

The weather is number one, coronavirus is number two, tranny toys are number three, number four is gay sex, and then number five is like, Putin killing journalists or something. Whatever. Oh and Taiwan. We have to protect Taiwanese democracy and save the Islamic terrorists in China.

We finish all that and then maybe we can talk about the collapse of the family, the destruction of the middle class, drug addiction, replacement immigration, collapsing wages, or some other issue that previous popes might have cared about.