The Average Adult Will Spend 9 Years in Front of a TV in Their Lifetime, Survey Finds

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
December 3, 2019

Television is known to be a tool controlled by those who don’t have your best interests at heart. But on top of it being used as a propaganda device, there’s the less talked about problem of it being such a huge waste of time.

Now a recent survey has put into perspective just how much time, on average, is really wasted.

Study Finds:

Television has become such a common part of all of our lives that most don’t even think about just how much time they spend staring at their TV screen. Of course, all of those hours are undoubtedly adding up, and a recent survey of 2,000 British adults finds that the average TV viewer will watch an astounding 78,705 hours of programming (movies, sports, news, etc) in their lifetime. That’s a whole lot of screen time that may have been better spent on more productive endeavors.

On a day-to-day basis, the average adult watches TV for three-and-a-half hours, amounting to 1,248 hours each year.

78,705 hours over a lifetime… that’s about 3,279 days, or about 109 months, or about 9 years.

1,248 hours every year… that’s about 52 days a year, or about two months a year.

Imagine the things you could do with two months’ worth of free time every year.

Now imagine the things you could do with nine years’ worth of free time in your lifetime.

It gets even worse when you consider that many people are sleep deprived. There is something pulling tired people towards televisions instead of beds.

Something that makes people want to escape reality and their own thoughts, perhaps.

Something related to reality being such a nightmarish parody of what we thought the future should be like, perhaps.

The survey, commissioned by LG Electronics, broke down those numbers even further and concluded that the average adult these days will watch 3,639 movies at home, and 31,507 episodes of TV during their lifespan. As far as different programs, the average person will watch 11,278 different TV series as well.

Additionally, it seems that deciding what to watch is a very common problem among modern families. The average household will have two arguments every week simply over what to watch. Sadly, more than half of the survey’s participants say their household would struggle to get by with only one television for everyone.

That’s probably why, according to the research, the average home hosts at least two TV sets, which are usually thrown out in favor of newer models every six years.

Yeah, the TVs may still work, but if they’re not as crisp and as fancy as the NEW LATEST MODEL, then what’s even the point in watching them?

Here’s an especially noteworthy statistic: six in ten respondents actually admit they would be lost without their TV set.

Between traditional cable, smart television apps, and streaming services, viewers today have never had more choices of what to watch. Interestingly, the survey actually found that many people (15%) tend to get frustrated by having too many options. On that note, the average adult will spend 2,943 hours of their life just deciding what to watch!

What a huge time sink.

Look. I’m not saying we’re literally ruled by overlords from another species that think we’re their slaves.

I’m just saying that if we were ruled by overlords from another species that think that we are their slaves, they’d probably devise some scheme to keep people “busy” with nothing, distracted, tired and unproductive, as a way to protect their power structure.