The Biden Entity Plans to Vastly Expand Military Spending to Fight Wars with Russia and China

This is all so very inexplicable.

Where is the money going to come from for wars with both China and Russia, when people can’t afford gas or food?

How can they just keep printing this money when the US is no longer the reserve currency?

Nothing that is happening makes any sense outside of the theory that these people have become totally unhinged, and are taking advice from people like David Frum.


President Joe Biden’s proposed fiscal year 2023 Pentagon budget includes $813 billion in spending for national defense, a 4% increase of $31 billion from the spending package signed into law earlier this month.

The Biden administration’s defense budget remains focused on China as the primary strategic challenge, with an emphasis on strengthening European security in light of the threat posed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“If you look across the board at their capability, their economy, China remains our most challenging strategic threat. That’s what the strategy says, that’s what the budget says,” a senior defense official told reporters ahead of the budget release.

The Biden administration’s proposal includes $773 billion in funding specifically for the Pentagon in the coming year. Congress, which will ultimately set spending levels for the federal government, is likely to boost that figure higher, just as it did in the fiscal year 2022 spending package.

Republicans quickly responded to the Pentagon’s budget rollout by arguing it wasn’t enough for the US military in the face of Russia’s attack on Ukraine and China’s military investments. Liberal Democrats, however, criticized the Biden administration for ramping up the defense budget at all.




While the 2023 budget proposal was crafted before Russia invaded Ukraine last month, the Biden administration’s defense budget recognizes the “acute threat” posed by Russia, Defense Department budget documents say. Russia “is pursuing a political, economic and military strategy that seeks to fracture NATO,” the Pentagon said.

See, that is just retarded.

But these people apparently believe it.

Russia obviously doesn’t seek to “fracture NATO.” As the West says – NATO is more unified than ever before, and now has a clear purpose.

The idea that Russia didn’t understand that would be the result of invading the Ukraine is just utterly nonsensical.

Look at Vladimir Putin, Sergei Lavrov, and Dmitry Medvedev.

Then compare them to Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan.

Who is more likely to have a good grasp on what is going on here?

What Russia is fracturing is the entire global order, and the West is responding by building an Iron Curtain around America, Europe and Australia.

It’s not feasible for the US to sanction the rest of the world after they’ve already built this globalist order, where everything is interdependent.

China is unsanctionable.

India probably is too, but it wouldn’t make any sense to sanction anyone else if you didn’t sanction China. It didn’t make any sense to sanction Russia without sanctioning China.

But now they’re going to fight a war with China, while still having their entire economy based on Chinese imports? How does anyone think this makes any sense at all?

This is what happens when you pay people to lie to you and fire anyone who tells the truth. This is now officially the Afghan surrender strategy being employed on the global stage. It’s literally the exact same people.

These people think it’s forever 1992.