The Boomer of Ukraine Shoots Down Russian Jets with His Rifle

And now, the latest from a reliable and fact-checked source on the brutal war for democracy in the Ukraine: The Boomer of Ukraine, who goes around with a rifle shooting down Russian jets.


A Ukraine citizen who opened fire on a Russian Su-34 jet with a rifle and “destroyed” it has been awarded a medal and branded a “hero.”

The State Border Service of Ukraine announced Friday that officials had awarded “pensioner” Valeriy Fedorovych with a medal “for assistance in the protection of the state border.”

Officials said that in March, when Russian President Vladimir Putin’s troops continuously bombarded Chernihiv, a hard-hit city in northern Ukraine, Fedorovych “took his rifle and opened fire.”

“Heroes among us,” officials said, adding that after Fedorovych fired at the jet with his rifle, “the enemy fighter Su-34 was targeted and destroyed.”

This is true, okay?

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