Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 18, 2020

Sadly, there is a time when a full-anal organization like The Anal Rangers is forced to come to grips with the fact that we live in a white supremacist Christian patriarchy dictatorship.
This society is filled with virulent hatred for innocent homosexuals, who do not wish to do anything other than express their love through the ultimate act of love: sodomy.
In a society of hate, there is very little room for pure love. And so the Boy Scouts goes under.
The Boy Scouts of America, an iconic presence in the nation’s experience for more than a century, filed for bankruptcy protection early Tuesday, succumbing to financial pressures that included a surge in legal costs over its handling of sexual abuse allegations.
Founded in 1910, the Boy Scouts have long maintained internal files at their headquarters in Texas detailing decades of allegations involving nearly 8,000 “perpetrators,” according to an expert hired by the organization. Lawyers have said in recent months that former scouts have come forward to identify hundreds of other abusers not included in those files.
The bankruptcy filing, in Delaware, is expected to disrupt continuing litigation and establish a deadline for when former scouts can pursue claims.
“If you’ve ever considered coming forward, now is the time,” said Tim Kosnoff, a lawyer who has long worked on Boy Scouts cases and is part of a team of attorneys who created an Abused in Scouting victims’ group.

Jim Turley, the national chair of Boy Scouts of America, said in an open letter that the organization was entering bankruptcy in order to equitably compensate all victims of abuse through a trust.
“I want you to know that we believe you, we believe in compensating you, and we have programs in place to pay for counseling for you and your family,” Mr. Turley said.
It is unclear how much of an overhaul the bankruptcy process will bring to the Boy Scouts, which reports having 2.4 million youth participants, but Mr. Kosnoff said the filing seemed necessary given the totality of the claims that have emerged. At a minimum, Mr. Kosnoff said he would like to see the organization clean out its management and end lucrative salaries for leaders, some of whom earn more than half a million dollars annually.
Even then, Mr. Kosnoff said that he finds it “difficult to impossible” for him to envision a new structure that would give him confidence that the nonprofit has sufficiently changed. He said the organization, which has operated under a congressional charter since 1916, may need to liquidate and allow some new organization with better controls come in to fill the void.
Better controls.
Controls on love.
And the only control you can put on love is pure hatred from the white men who want to stop the ultimate expression of love, which is a penis being shoved into the anus of a little boy.

This is why we have to get Donald Trump out of the White House and replace him with someone reasonable. Someone who recognizes the importance of sodomy taking place between men and boys within the confines of woodland training.
We must allow love to trump hate.