The Fate of the Brave Foreign Heroes Who Went to Fight for Glorious Aryan Gay Child Rimjobs


This is a Ukraine shill account. He’s been shilling the heroism of the brave heroes who went to fight in the Ukraine for gay pride or the glory of the Aryan race or whatever.

So he has no reason to lie about this.

It definitely sounds like what would happen if a bunch of retards went to fight in a war in a country they can’t find on a map because they saw sad pictures on TV.

The Ukrainian Jewish occupation regime and Western media obviously knew these volunteer soldiers would get slaughtered. They wanted more corpses, and Western corpses, so they could do human interest stories about the devastated families who lost their Aryan anal retards to the dastardly Russians they signed up to go shoot guns at.

I truly believed that Zelensky’s Aryan Empire would succeed, and finally restore the glory of the Aryan race.

If anyone could build the true empire of the truly anal Aryan race, I thought Zelensky is the man for the job.

But in recent days, my faith has been shaken.

Could the diabolical Russians really crush the Jewish NATO plan to build a true Aryan empire?


This is a report from r/VolunteersForUkraine, following the Russian bombing of the bunker where the the “foreign legion” was stationed:

Yes, I was here today and blown off the top bunk of my bunk bed in the barracks by the first missile. I made a long post about it but my posts don’t show on this thread for some reason. This is where all the foreign legion troops are, the 35 killed were all Ukrainian mostly due to a direct hit on their barracks next to mine. The base is destroyed, the weapons depot destroyed, possibly the end of the legion. About 60 people with their heads on straight including myself left after the attack. They’re sending untrained guys to the front with little ammo and shit AKs and they’re getting killed. The guys who stayed got bombed again in the afternoon and casualties aren’t clear. If you still want to to join them I’m not sure what the process will be since literally all the infrastructure supporting the training/assignments of volunteers is all destroyed. The guys who are there now will all be going to Kviv and many will die, the legion is totally outgunned and has a few crazy Ukrainian leaders. After the attack one officer wanted to march everyone to Kviv and fight. Absolute insanity. Stay home.

So the entire army of Reddit Rambos is deserting.

All of these people will for the rest of their lives be military deserters, and if they have any children, their children will be the sons of deserters.

If you sign-up for the military – particularly if you volunteer, as opposed to being conscripted – then the ancient, sacred agreement is that you will either:

  • Die
  • Be taken prisoner
  • Win the war

Deserting used to be a shame comparable to homosexual actions or patricide. But I guess these redditors support homosexualism and take pride in hating their fathers, so maybe desertion is also our values and who we are?

I guess it’s dumb to say “people on reddit aren’t serious people.”

But this unseriousness is now spilling over into very serious business.


Desertion is officially a reddit value now.

Just like they called eating semen mixed with feces out of another man’s asshole “love,” they now call desertion “risk mitigation.”



Look at this.


Looks like another deserter.

The punishment for desertion is summary execution, so the mods from r/VolunteersForUkraine need to hunt these deserters down and have them hanged. That’s their patriotic duty to the Reddit Rambo brigade.

Here’s video of the bombing.

That base was where the majority of the redditors were stationed.


This is my favorite thing that’s happened in… well, probably in my entire life.

Hail Czar.

May he live forever.