Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 27, 2020
So you see a headline about how people who think airplanes change the weather won a court case in Britain.
Then you open the article and find this header image:
Every time you open an article about people causing the weather to change, you find women.
White women, specifically.
I guess the thinking is that if there are not enough runways, they will have to charge more for flights, which will mean that fewer people will fly, and this will make the weather colder.
Heathrow Airport’s controversial plans to build a third runway have been thrown into doubt after a court ruling.
The government’s Heathrow’s expansion decision was unlawful because it did not take climate commitments into account, the Court of Appeal said.
Heathrow said it would challenge the decision, but the government said it would not appeal.
The judges said that in future, a third runway could go ahead, as long as it fits with the UK’s climate policy.
The case was brought by environmental groups, councils and the Mayor of London.
“Environmental groups” means “white women,” and the Mayor of London is a Paki.
And Pakis are the tools of white women. White women flooded Britain with Pakis so they could use them for their purposes, whether they be purposes of sex or changing the weather by stopping the construction of airport expansions.
The global warming theory is so retarded that I can’t even hardly think about the fact that many men have been brainwashed into going along with it. Women of course do not have any concern whatsoever for facts or reality itself, and the only thing that matters is their emotions and their deranged quest for power over men. And the only real way that they can achieve power over men, other than by exploiting a man’s sexuality, is by taking power away from men.
The global warming hoax is a perfect platform for women to attack what men build, to tear it down, to simply cause hassle and trouble.
We’ve been over this before, but I will point out once more that global warming rallies are about 90% female. Like the rallies to flood Europe with Islamic men in 2015, it is difficult to even find a man.
If you simply search “climate rally” on Google Images, you will see for yourself just how extreme the gender demographics of these rallies are. The image at the top of the page is representative – five people, all women.
Here – we should take a look at some pictures. Note that many of these are from “Fridays for Future” rallies where kids are allowed to leave school to demand the government change the weather by raising taxes, so you would reckon that boys would go just to get the time off school. However, they do not. You will also note that despite the fact many of these girls are young and possibly attractive for white women, men are not coming to these rallies to try to pick up on them.
These images are from all around the world, just the ones that come up at the top of a Google search. The dynamic is the same all over Europe and the diaspora. You will notice that it is almost all white people, though the brown people that there are are all also women. You will also note that even when there are men, they tend to be in the background, while the women tend to be screaming like lunatics.
I will only count the visible faces. (You are of course welcome to go search for yourself if you think I’m being biased.)

So in these photos that I chose randomly from the top of Google Images, there are 233 visible faces, 210 of which are female. That is 90% female. This isn’t exactly scientific, but it’s pretty close.
Clearly, the global warming agenda, which is at its core a plan to drastically raise taxes in order to cause white countries to go into austerity based on some incomprehensible gibberish about changing the weather, is a female-driven political agenda.
All female-driven political agendas are about consolidating collective female power in society, or otherwise making society more comfortable for them.
Historical female-driven political agendas (roughly in order from the time that women were first given the vote) include:
- Banning child marriage
- Banning prostitution
- Banning alcohol (prohibition, later revoked when it created too much chaos)
- Legalizing interracial sex
- Legalizing abortion
- Legalizing “no fault” divorce
- Mass immigration
As stated, the mass immigration agenda was particularly obvious in 2015 when Europe was being flooded with Moslems by the female overlord and “queen bee” figure Angela Merkel (truly the embodiment of matriarchal brutality) and women went out into the streets demanding more of them. Of course, many of these women want to have sex with brown men, but I would say that only roughly 30-40% of white women prefer sex with brown men. The women who don’t want to have sex with brown men still want the country flooded with them because it increases their sexual value and thus their overall power.
I have often mused that women’s opposition to war is in fact based on the reality that war reduces the number of men in society and thus reduces their power. If there are 2 women for every man, men have little reason to tolerate the manipulative, demeaning, cruel and abusive behavior which women prefer to engage in.
The global warming agenda is about making life harder for men. Women feel that they are entitled to get whatever they want either way, so the idea of massively raising taxes does not particularly bother them.
I know many of you will say “all of these agendas you listed are Jewish agendas.” And of course they are. However, Jews cannot simply force through such massive social changes without the appearance of popular support. And women will provide that support, every time. Women are the foot-soldiers of Jews. Your mother and your wife are de facto Jewish agents, monitoring your behavior to ensure you remain in line with the Jewish agenda.
We have to find a way to disenfranchise women.
I am formulating a plan to boycott interactions with them, which I believe will be a solid first step.