The One True Thing the Media is Saying: The Ukraine is Our Values

Basically, everything the American media says about the Ukraine situation is a complete lie and a hoax.

I’ve said that it’s almost worse than the coronavirus scam, in terms of the sheer breadth of the lying and hoaxing.

There is one thing they are telling the truth about, however: the Ukraine does represent our values and who we are.

You’ve certainly heard this, more than anything else, from the American media and Western politicians broadly.

It just goes on and on and on.

But again: it’s the only thing they’re saying that is true.

Here’s a recent story from the Ukraine, which goes to show just how committed they are to our values:


These are our values: trannies.

Also this week, the Department of Health and Human Services became the first federal agency to fly the tranny flag.

Democracy is our values, because democracy is who we are, and our values are who we are.

If Russia controlled the Ukraine, they wouldn’t even have trannies.

This Story…

This story is a whole other thing, however.

Andre Kislovsky, who was both a Deputy in the Ukrainian Armed Forces and a City Council member in Odessa, was arrested at a brothel.

They accused him of secretly meeting with a Russian at the brothel, but instead he was found to be having sex with a tranny.

The police filmed the arrest and posted it.

I do not think that it was actually believed that he was meeting with a Russian. If that was the case – obviously – they would have just put a bug in the brothel so they could catch him in the act – and see what specific information he was giving out. (Brothels in the former USSR are generally pre-bugged. This was SOP for the KGB, because obviously men get drunk and go to brothels and start talking to the women. Also, they can use it to blackmail married men.)

This was just meant to humiliate this poor faggot. That becomes obvious after you see that they literally filmed it and posted the video on the internet.

Zelensky has been purging the military. So you can figure that out. Maybe someone really thought he was a Russian spy, or maybe they just wanted rid of him. But it is not believable that they thought he was meeting the Russians at the brothel.

This is intended to send some kind of message to the rest of the military, I guess. It’s a really weird move. They aren’t presenting any evidence against this guy. The accusation could be completely made up, and they just want him out for other reasons. So it can’t really be very good for morale, to have the government purposefully humiliating military officers without explanation. That is just going to make everyone paranoid.

Everything the Zelensky government is doing now is desperate and paranoid. Arresting a guy in the middle of sex at a brothel (when they probably even knew it was a tranny beforehand) and then posting the video online is about as sadistic as it gets.

But to be fair, desperation, paranoia, and sadism are also our shared values.