The Pentagram Gives Benefits to Troops Who Kill Babies in the Womb

Wait, so…

Are they incentivizing women getting pregnant so they can have an abortion?

How else can we read the fact that they are giving benefits for women who get abortions?

Do they really think that women won’t purposefully get pregnant so they can have an abortion to get a free vacation? Because women absolutely will do that and everyone knows it.


The Pentagon has taken steps to ensure that troops have easy access to abortion, offering ample time off and fully funded travel for service members who are stationed in states that banned the procedure in the wake of last year’s US Supreme Court ruling on Roe v Wade.

Department of Defense officials revealed the special benefits on Thursday, saying troops who have to go out of state for an abortion will get up to three weeks of leave, and allowances to cover all travel costs. US military branches have 30 days in which to enact the new policies.

Service members cannot control where they are stationed, a senior defense official told Military Times, and the new policies are designed to alleviate any potential impact on their “access to essential health care.” The official expressed hope the move “will help ensure long-term that we’re able to recruit, retain and maintain the readiness of a highly qualified force.”

Troops also are given up to 20 weeks, rather than the previous limit of two weeks, to inform their commanders of a pregnancy. Those who choose to delay notification can be placed on light-duty and non-deployable status by a military health care provider, without their condition being disclosed to their commander. However, when a pregnancy is discovered in pre-deployment testing, troops who don’t plan to abort their baby must notify their commander immediately.

A Pentagon study found that 56.2% of women service members who have an unwanted pregnancy didn’t use birth control at the time they conceived.

I guess this explains why they made their building a satanic symbol.

We always thought that was strange.