Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 15, 2020

A good friend of mine has told us:
The Russia conspiracy theory is the Dem equivalent of QAnon
One is the dominant, accepted narrative for much of the population, while the other is typically perceived as an obviously strange and paranoid conspiracy theory
But in reality, the major differences are the target audience, and the degree to which each is treated with skepticism vs. promoted by the corporate media oligarchy. If anything, “The Russians are coming!!!” has been debunked more thoroughly than Q – if only because the QAnon story rests more on assertions about secret connections and esoterica which, though highly improbable, are often difficult to falsify definitively, while the Russian conspiracy narrative relies more on sheer volume to overcome its multiple false assertions and omissions about independently-verifiable events.
Indeed, there is wisdom here, truly.
Not one single aspect of the Russian theory has been proved. Absolutely none of it. There is literally no evidence. What’s more, many of the claims are demonstrably false, and are later retracted by the media itself.
Some of them cannot be proved either way, but seem incredibly unlikely.
To wit:
- Russia was responsible for the DNC server hack, the fruits of which were released by WikiLeaks: this is a claim based purely on the assertion of a Democrat-aligned security company, Crowdstrike, and the server itself has apparently been destroyed. A hack couldn’t be traced either way with any accuracy, but we don’t even know that Crowdstrike itself ever even looked at the server. They could have just made the whole thing up. They were caught pulling this exact trick in the Ukraine.
- Russia was responsible for the phishing of John Podesta’s Gmail account, the fruits of which were released by WikiLeaks: this is simply an assertion out of nowhere. You can’t possibly know the origin of a phishing email.
- Russia bought $100,000 worth of Facebook ads: Facebook claims that the ad money came from a Russian address, but anyone could use a Russian address to buy ads. Furthermore, even if the people were located in Russia, that in no way implicates the Russian government, any more than the US government is responsible for every single action of everyone in the country at all times.
- Donald Trump worked with Russia in secret to do the above three things: I guess this one was disproved by a two-year-long investigation by an unelected, unregulated government body with absolute power of subpoena, but people still claim it is true regularly. The Democrats in Congress have recently been claiming it is true again.
- Russia filmed Donald Trump doing a urine-related sexual act with prostitutes: This hasn’t actually been disproved, but they seem to talk about it less often now, because it became so absurd. Nonetheless, the media does sometimes bring it up.
- Russia hacked everything: there have been dozens if not hundreds of cases of the media and/or the government claiming that Russia hacked things. None of them are proven, no evidence has been presented for any of them. The most recent claim, coming earlier this week, is that Russia hacked the gas company that Hunter Biden worked for. This claim comes from Area 1, a cyber security firm run by a Jewish former NSA agent.
I don’t believe in QAnon. But you have to admit that at least QAnon posits something that is more plausible than this Russia stuff, and which is harder to cast doubt upon.

Both conspiracy theories rely on assertions which cannot be proven either way. You cannot prove that Russia didn’t do all these hacks anymore than you can prove that Trump isn’t secretly plotting with high level FBI agents to expose Pizzagate once and for all.

But both are absurd and childish, and demonstrate that the entire concept of democracy is stupid, because the great masses of people will believe any sort of total gibberish if it makes them feel good.