The Sephardic Versus Ashkenazi Jews Distraction

Daily Slave
July 14, 2014

A sephardi and ashkenazi rabbi. Notice much of a difference?

One of the topics that seems to come up frequently when discussing the Jewish problem is the notion that there is some sort of substantive difference between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews.  Often times, people say we should be blaming Ashkenazi Jews and not just Jews in general for many of society’s problems.  After spending a little bit of time researching this issue, it is perplexing to me as to why so much time and energy is spent on this subject.  In the context of the Jewish problem, the difference between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews is largely irrelevant.

According to the Jewish Virtual Library, Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews both follow the ideological foundation outlined in the Talmud.  In other words, both groups believe the Talmudic nonsense that they are superior and that non-Jews are their slaves.  From a religious perspective Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews seem to differ only in the specific types of customs and symbols they use during their ceremonies.

Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews share the same tenets of Judaism, follow the Babylonian Talmud and the Shulkhan Arukh. Differences arise in customs and in liturgy. For example, on Passover, Sephardic Jews eat kitnyot, rice and corn products. Also, at many Sephardic sedars, the father will reenact the experience of gaining freedom by circling the sedar table and holding a symbolic bag over his shoulder.

Other differences exist in the way Sephardic Jews wind their tefillin straps outwards, whereas Ashkenazi Jews wind the tefillin inwards. Sephardic grooms are honored with an aliyah to the Torah on the Shabbat after their wedding, whereas Ashkenazi grooms are called up to the Torah the Shabbat before the wedding.

Sephardic Torah scrolls are usually stored in a large wooden cylinder, which stands erect when opened. The parchment is in an upright position when read, whereas, Ashkenazi scrolls just have an embroidered cover and the scrolls are read while lying flat on a table.

Sephardic liturgy uses the same basic prayers, but add different psalms and poems. The prayer, Ein Keloyheinu, is recited at the Saturday morning services for both Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jews, however, it is also read daily by Sephardic Jews. Sephardim also use a different cantillation for reading the Torah and different melodies for prayers. All Sephardic synagogues are traditional, women are seated separately, typically in a balcony.

Today, Sephardic Jews are considered to be the descendants of the Jews who were exiled from Spain and Portugal in the late 1400s.  Many of these exiled Jews eventually fled to areas in the Netherlands, North Africa and the Ottoman Empire.

Ashkenazi Jews are considered to be Jews whose ancestors came from areas in Central and Eastern Europe.

Even though Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews originated from different locations, a number of studies have indicated that both Jewish communities share similar genetics.  The Jew York Times even ran a report on this subject a few years ago.  It states the following.

Jewish communities in Europe and the Middle East share many genes inherited from the ancestral Jewish population that lived in the Middle East some 3,000 years ago, even though each community also carries genes from other sources — usually the country in which it lives.

That is the conclusion of two new genetic surveys, the first to use genome-wide scanning devices to compare many Jewish communities around the world.

A major surprise from both surveys is the genetic closeness of the two Jewish communities of Europe, the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim.

Another article from the Jewish Daily Forward goes so far as to state that Jews are a single race of people.  It quotes a presumably Jewish geneticist by the name of Harry Ostrer who noted DNA links between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews.

From this we can conclude that there is little if any significant difference between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews from both a racial and ideological perspective.  The people who are promoting this assertion that we should only be blaming one specific type of Jew are either confused or have an agenda to confuse others.

On a recent radio interview I did, a caller actually suggested to me that Sephardic Jews have been discriminated against by Ashkenazi Jews in Israel and that this proves that Ashkenazi Jews are the real problem.  To add further confusion the caller suggested that the Ashkenazi Jews were secretly working for the Illuminati despite there being no substantive proof that it still functions as a real organization.  Sorry, but occult symbolism in Jewish produced movies, television shows and music videos does not count as proof.

Even though I do agree that Jews do fight among each other and don’t always agree with what’s best for Jews, it was obvious to me that the caller was attempting to confuse the audience with nonsense.  Whether or not Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews have internal disagreements with one another is irrelevant to the more important discussion on how they all view gentiles.  Considering they both follow the ideological teachings of the Talmud and are proven to have similar racial characteristics, the internal issues they have with one another is insignificant in the broader picture.

With all this said, people who are promoting this idea that there is an important difference between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews either don’t know what they are talking about or they are intentionally promoting a subversive agenda.  The vast majority of the societal problems we face come from Jews and the type of Jew they are really does not make any sort of fundamental difference.