“The Supreme Court Expressly Took Away a Constitutional Right from the American People”

“Joe Biden” condemned the Supreme Court, claiming that abortion is a “Constitutional right.”

It’s so frustrating that all of these people who rule over us are completely guarded from criticism – where does it guarantee abortion in the Constitution, “Joe Biden”? The initial claim was that it was a privacy right, and even Ruth Bader Ginsburg – a serious Jew witch who is now a level boss in Dante’s Inferno – admitted that the ruling was a hoax.

In a lecture she gave at New York University in 1992, Ginsburg criticized the ruling and liberal judges who she viewed as lazy, saying that Roe was an example of how “doctrinal limbs too swiftly shaped…may prove unstable.” (Get it? It’s a Jewish in-joke about killing infants in the womb, cutting up their bodies and selling them to medical research labs.)

Her argument was that the ruling should have been about “equal protection.”

I don’t think there’s video of that speech, but here she is in 2020 talking about a written comment that she made on the ruling.

She says it could have been easily overruled, it was a rushed decision made without thought, because the court wanted abortion.

Here’s a longer discussion on it from her in 2013.

The beginning of this video is funny – a Jew introduces another Jew to talk to a third Jew about the glories of abortion. The dean of Chicago Law School, Michael Schill (real Jew name) – what a beauty.

The Jew interviewing the Jew holds a position named after a Jew.

Schill says of the talk, regarding the funding of it: “Additional support for The Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality’s programming on [abortion]….” – they were already ramping up to shill this tranny stuff. The tranny stuff originated in these Jew “gender studies” schools at Jew universities.

I just went to the CSGS’s website, and the director is of course a Filipina.

Wait, no, sorry – I got confused – it’s a Jew:

They’re spotlighting this “student”:

It says she’s studying at Malcolm X College to learn how to murder niglets:

Currently taking courses at Malcolm X College, Amber is preparing to apply to nursing programs this fall with the aim of providing abortion care and sexual health services to marginalized populations.

I don’t want to default to 2015 Daily Stormer mode on my sloppy spirit quest. But honestly, I feel like I’ve just had enough of Jews. Remember when Oliver Twist says “please sir, I want some more”? Well, I’m like “please sir, I want less Jews.” It’s just everywhere – Jew, Jew, Jewy Jew-Jew.

Only one in 500 people on earth is a Jew.

Putting aside the question of how these people got here in such numbers from Western Russia in the first place, they are only 2% of the US population. So, in theory, if this equality of representation stuff were true, “Jew head of university introduces Jew judge to be interviewed by Jew of distinguished Jew chair, with funding by Jew abortion and tranny center” should simply not be statistically possible. In fact, it is only possible if Jews are working together on a weird and satanic agenda.

Total exhaustion.

Meanwhile, do you know what is a Constitutional right? Do you know what is a Constitutional right?