There is No Anti-Faggot Violence, This is Another Hoax Designed to Protect the Groomer Industrial Complex

I actually appreciate this content from Matt Walsh, and I think he’s filling a spot that needs to be filled, upping the “conservatism” from a level above Fox News but not as high as Daily Stormer.

Natural Boomers and people with Boomer Brain Syndrome need to be eased into this stuff slowly, with memes like this:

So, here’s the question: if Matt Walsh is really a Catholic, isn’t he afraid of going to hell for working for Ben Shapiro, a Jew who has consistently attacked and mocked Christ, and literally promotes the mRNA vaccines?

I’m not a 100% purist. At least not in my middle age. I would probably do a show with someone like Gavin McInnes. I would definitely work with the based quarter-Jew Alex Stein, even though that Jewish quarter has led him to say that homosexuals shouldn’t be killed.

But there’s a difference between “we should be cool with whoever we can be cool with” and actually directly working for the Christ-hating Jew Ben Shapiro. Like, doesn’t Matt Walsh worry that he’s going to go to hell for this? Doesn’t he believe that if he quit working for Shapiro out of a desire to be a better Christian, God would protect him?

I’ve taken a lot more extreme leaps than that, and God has always protected me.

At the very least, I think Tucker would hire Walsh for the writing room.

Walsh is a better writer than speaker anyway. Plus, no one can stop him from doing his podcast. Well, actually, if he wasn’t protected by Shapiro, who is using him as a Christian human shield, his podcast would get more banned and not promoted as much.

But these Claremont people are okay, Matt. They’d help you out.

Matt, if you want counseling on this topic, you know where you can get my contact. People a lot more famous and important than you have contacted me, and there has never been a leak of any of it. I’m the most trusted name in secret conversations.

I think it’s sick that you protect Ben Shapiro for money and then justify it by saying “oh well, I’m reaching a wider audience” as if you are smarter than God. I do judge you, Matt, but if you asked me for advice, I would not judge you directly, as in I would not just curse at you, but counsel you in how to not go to hell for being a Jew-lover and Jew-shielder.

As long as you’re helping the Jews, are you really any better than the child groomers themselves? It’s only possible because Jews are able to prevent people from coming at them.