These Fat Ukrainian Women are Worse Than the Jews

Above is an interview with Ukrainian Parliament member Yevheniya Kravchuk on Fox News.

She and other Ukrainian women recently arrived in Washington to demand more money and weapons. They are not asking; they are demanding.

These women are so entitled, it just makes you sick.

This bitch is saying that she wants an international war crimes tribunal to be formed by Azov in Mariupol to prosecute Putin after the US fights WWIII for her.

Woman, who the hell are you? You got problems? Bitch, I got problems. Things are tough all over.

I cannot comprehend how anyone can see these ugly, fat women making these outrageous demands and say “yes, this is so great, let’s obey these nagging women and have a World War.”

Fox News is disgusting, pushing these fat women demanding things from me. Get out of my face, you fat ugly sows.

I am seeing normie conservatives slowly backing away from all of this. We’re all seeing these outrageous claims about Russia, but none of it is documented at all. Instead we have heavy documentation of the worst conceivable behavior by Ukrainians.

Here’s some Ukrainian women who don’t speak English telling of their experiences (via southfront).

You all know I’ve posted dozens of these. If you go on Telegram, there are hundreds. (There is also all of the video of Ukrainian troops and Azov bombing their own civilians.)

Yet, we have no single video from Mariupol of anyone saying the Russians are bad. Instead, all we get are these slovenly women with perfect English making baseless accusations against Russia.

Fox does not even have any embedded reporters. None of the Western media does, because they don’t want to be embedded with the Russians, and the Ukrainians kept killing all the journalists that tried to embed with them, so we just have reporters in Lviv. Why even go to Lviv? Might as well stay in Washington at that point.

They’re not showing any footage of the war. They’re not interviewing any actual people on the ground, just perfect English sows.

Fox News is I guess planning to just keep on pushing these utterly nonsensical lies about the Russian boogieman.

This is why people watch Arnab.

Seriously, if you have boomers in your life, ask them if they’ve watched Republic World. They will like it. It will remind them of TV in the 80s and 90s.

Republic has multiple live streams going 24/7.

At least 90% of it is in English – and they actually film the war.

Just go click around – they have reporters in every city.

Here’s what’s streaming right now on the ground – in English.

Okay now it’s some woman on top of a destroyed tank screaming in Hindi.

Anyway, the channel’s official language is English, but when these reporters are in high stress situations, they revert to their native language. But yeah – 90% English.

They’re not just interviewing fat women and saying “Ukraine is winning so hard but you have to start World War III so we can win even harder and harder – we need to invade Russia and bring Putin to Mariupol for a Nuremberg-style trial with a swastika rainbow satanic Illuminati Jew flag.”