Tigers in Indonesia Test Positive for Covid Without Being Exposed to Virus, Officials Investigate Why

Tino, one of the tigers who tested positive for the fake virus.

Tigers test positive because the PCR test is a deus ex machina plot device for the shocking fantasy story that is the coronavirus hoax.

The Hill:

Officials are investigating how two rare Sumatran tigers in Indonesia became infected with COVID-19.

The two tigers, 9-year-old Tino and 12-year-old Hari, became ill and started showing COVID-19 symptoms within days of each other in early July, The Associated Press reported.

On July 9, Tino began showing signs, including a runny nose, shortness of breath, loss of appetite and sneezing. The wire service reported that several days later Hari started showing the same signs, and the two later returned positive COVID-19 tests after they were swabbed, according to a Jakarta official.

Coronavirus symptoms are exactly the same symptoms that anyone would have attributed to the common cold or flu a couple of years ago.

Suzi Marsitawati, who heads Jakarta’s Parks and City Forest Office, said that the tigers were now recovering after undergoing between 10 to 12 days of treatment, Reuters reported.

She said the Ragunan Zoo in Jakarta was closely monitoring their health, the AP noted.

“Their condition is good now. Their appetite has returned and they’re being active,” Marsitawati said.

She reported that no staff at the zoo had tested positive for the virus, and officials are investigating how the tigers became infected given that the zoo had already been closed to visitors at the time, Reuters reported.

“When the animals started to show symptoms, the Ragunan zoo was already closed due to emergency mobility restrictions,” Marsitawati said.

Perhaps the investigation will lead to the shocking discovery that this virus is a total hoax.

Hari, the other tiger who tested positive.