I keep saying that this whole huge balloon hoax and the media shift to nonstop China war shilling is probably evidence that they’re going to ditch the Ukraine soon.
The key word there is “probably.”
I’m not a wizard and I don’t make predictions – all I do is offer what I believe to be the most likely thing. That’s all I’ve ever done. I’m usually right, but I’m not trying to be Mr. Wizard.
Here’s the thing: there is no benefit that I can see for the US to continue to support the Ukraine, and RAND and others are now saying that.
Related: So RAND Says the US Lost the Ukraine War and Should Surrender. What Next?
It is of course possible that these people in Washington have come up with some kind of logic for continuing the war with Russia while also provoking one with China. I can think of various pitches for this, including that the Poles are the ones who are going to bear the brunt of the Ukraine thing, and that if more advanced weapons are sent, fewer would be required.
Also, they could say that if they don’t keep Russia occupied in the Ukraine, Russia will join the China front (that is likely true).
The US would have no objections to Ukrainian forces striking targets inside Crimea with American-supplied weapons, a senior defense official said on Friday.
Dr Celeste Wallander, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, was asked whether Washington supports Kiev in seizing Crimea, or at least in striking Russian targets there. The peninsula overwhelmingly voted to become part of Russia in 2014 following a Western-backed coup in Kiev.
Speaking at the Center for a New American Security, Wallander reiterated that the US “supports Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty over its internationally recognized borders, and that includes Crimea.” With this in mind, the official argued that Kiev “has the right to defend every inch of its territory.”
As long as Ukraine “identifies operational value in targeting Russian forces on Ukrainian territory… we don’t have objections and do not seek to limit Ukrainian military operations to achieve their objectives.”
She also commented on remarks made by Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley, who warned in January that it would be “very difficult” for Ukraine “to militarily eject the Russian forces” from all the territories they currently control.
“I am not going to contradict general Milley, and I think he was giving a hard-headed assessment of the scale of the challenge,” she said.
The narrative has gone psycho. It’s narrative creep (mission creep for a narrative).
The original Ukraine war was this big emotional thing about how sad it is that the Ukraine was invaded, and now every single authority says that it is about invading and conquering Crimea.
I don’t know what to say anymore, and frankly, I’m exhausted.
If you’re going to invade Crimea, then you might as well just invade all of southern Russia, which you could argue with the same type of weird logic is actually a part of this fake country called “The Ukraine.”
This “we will take Crimea” stuff is designed for “war without end.” It is not possible to take Crimea without a full-on American invasion of Russia. I don’t think that is going to happen, so putting it out there as a goal is just an excuse to keep this thing going forever as it is now, which is just a pointless, endless bloodbath for no reason anyone can explain.
When asked to explain, they start talking about how borders can never change ever – it’s not clear why Russia can’t use that excuse as well and have it actually be more valid based on an older claim. But it’s all just gibberish for retards. The masses of people cannot think. Seriously, they cannot process information. It’s hard to grasp that if you are a thinking person, as readers of this website tend to be. But these masses of people, all they do is repeat slogans based on their emotions.
You have Democrats, who were calling for “no borders” very recently, saying that borders are a core value of who we are and it is worth sending millions of people to die to protect them.
They don’t feel ashamed of hypocrisy because they can’t process what that even is.
This is why all of this conservative media gibberish about pwning the left is such a joke. They don’t even know what’s going on and therefore it is impossible to convince them of anything.
— Andrew Anglin (@WorldWarWang) February 11, 2023