Toxic Chemicals Found Everywhere are Giving Cancer to Women

We hear all of this bullshit about how much the government cares about women.

However, somehow, they don’t seem to care about all these chemicals in the environment that are giving women all of these different cancers.

They would rather spend their “environmentalism” budget on poisoning the entire earth with windmills and gigantic useless batteries.

The reason the government doesn’t care about toxic chemicals in the environment – aside from the fact that they probably want to poison people – is that this is a problem that can actually be solved. The government is never interested in problems that have solutions (try to think of even one exception to that rule – I can’t think of any).

The Guardian:

Women exposed to several widely used chemicals appear to face increased odds for ovarian and other certain types of cancers, including a doubling of odds for melanoma, according to new research funded by the US government.

Using data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a team of academic researchers found evidence that women diagnosed with some “hormonally driven” cancers had exposures to certain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which are used in thousands of household and industrial products, including in stain- and heat-resistant items.

They found similar links between women diagnosed with cancer and high exposures to phenols, which are commonly used in food packaging, dyes and personal care products.

PFAS have been dubbed “forever chemicals” due to their longevity in the environment.

The study, published late on Sunday in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, did not find similar associations between the chemicals and cancer diagnoses in men.

PFAS chemicals, in particular, may disrupt hormone functions specific to women – a potential mechanism for increasing their odds of hormone-related cancers, the researchers determined. Hormonally active cancers are common and hard to cure, making deeper inquiry into potential environmental causes critical, the researchers said.

It’s nearly impossible to avoid exposure to PFAS, because the chemicals are so widespread in the environment. Sometimes called “forever chemicals” because they do not naturally break down, PFAS residues can persist in water, soil, air and food. An estimated 97% of Americans have PFAS in their blood, according to the CDC. The US Geological Survey (USGS), a unit of the US Department of Interior, says that 45% of US drinking water is contaminated with PFAS.

Let’s go check and see how often that screaming retarded bitch that whines about the weather has talked about these chemicals that are polluting the bodies of all humans…



Seems the world’s number one environmentalist icon has exactly zero interest in talking about environmental problems that can actually be proved to be occurring in real life.

She is, however, very interested in gay anal fisting.