Train to Hell: Victim’s Families Still in Mourning 20 Years After Black Railroad Massacre

NY Post
November 26, 2013

6 people were killed and 19 injured.

It really was a commute from hell.

December 7 will mark the 20th anniversary of the day crazed gunman Colin Ferguson went on a murderous rampage aboard the Long Island Rail Road, pulling out a 9 mm pistol and opening fire, killing six people and wounding 19 others.

As the 5:33 p.m. train to Hicksville approached the Merillon Avenue Station in Garden City, Ferguson walked down the aisle of the third car and took aim.

For three terrifying minutes — he went back to his seat in the rear of the car to reload — Ferguson calmly blasted away at the 80 panicked passengers.

“There was panic, somebody was saying, ‘This is real, it’s not fireworks,’ ” Kevin Zaleskie says in the “The Long Island Railroad Massacre,” a new documentary. “People started running up the aisle, trying to get out of the car.”

Zaleskie, an analyst at IBM at the time, put his briefcase up to his face, a desperate shield. He wasn’t shot.

“I thought I was going to die right there,” he says, looking spooked to this day.

The aisles, says survivor Tom McDermott, who took a bullet in his left shoulder, were “literally littered with bodies.”

Colin Ferguson is still alive, and on the tax payers payroll.

But Ferguson wasn’t done.

“He started to move to my end of the car, gun emptied. He stopped, went back. I saw him bend in the seat, put another clip in the gun and now come down the other end of the car, ” said survivor Robert Giugliano.

“He was getting closer and closer, bullets are flying around and this girl Maria, who is sitting next to me, she starts crawling, and I’m looking at her saying, ‘No, no, don’t go there!”

“Before you know it, she looked up, and he was maybe eight to 10 feet away, and he pointed and shot her, shot her in the head. Her head exploded, right next to me . . . it was horrible.”

The woman was Maria Magtoto, a 30-year-old Westbury lawyer who was slaughtered along with James Gorycki, 51, Amy Federici, 27, Mi Kyung Kim, 27, Dennis McCarthy, 52, and Richard Nettleton, 24.

“At that instance I looked up, and there he was, looking at me staring at me straight in the face,” Giugliano recalled. “I said, ‘Dear God, I’m dead.’”

But he wasn’t.

The 58-year-old Giugliano was shot in the arm and the bullet traveled into his chest, but he survived — the last person shot by Ferguson, who was tackled to the ground by three straphangers after his second 15-round clip went dry.

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