Tranny Writer Writes Tranny Novel About Burning J.K. Rowling Alive

J.K. Rowling is going full ZFG, and it’s beautiful.

Of course, people want to kill her.

New York Post:

A transgender novelist has come under fire after penning a self-confessed “depraved psychosexual horrorshow” in which J.K. Rowling is burned alive in her home.

Gretchen Felker-Martin’s debut novel, “Manhunt,” follows two trans women “attempting to survive in a world ravaged by a plague which transforms anyone with enough testosterone in their system into a shrieking monstrosity.”

They find themselves at war with “TERFs,” the derogatory acronym for so-called trans-exclusionary radical feminists — including the “Knights of J.K. Rowling.”

The protagonists then talk about “the Harry Potter lady,” referring to Rowling, 56, who has received death threats for her comments about biological sex and the transgender community.

The “Harry Potter lady … ended up being a crazy TERF, like, super intense,” Felker-Martin’s character said, saying Rowling hired military contractors and “had them all up at her castle in Scotland.”

One of the group knocked over a lamp, sparking a fire and explosion that left Rowling and the others “to burn alive, and finally the whole castle collapsed,” Felker-Martin wrote.

This is the guy who thinks he’s a woman

This is the book

The TERFs also use a warship called the Galbraith, likely a reference to Robert Galbraith, a pseudonym Rowling also writes under.

The Massachusetts-based author brags about writing “the most disgusting books in the English language, books about sexual revulsion, about body horror, about how violence forms and fits into our lives.”

She also routinely tweets about her book’s violent fantasy about Rowling, who has become a regular target for extremist trans activists.

“If you’re sick of gender plague novels written by transphobic dips–ts, try my novel MANHUNT, written by a trans woman for a trans audience. Trans dykes fall in love and f–k and murder TERFs, feral men maraud in the wilderness, J.K. Rowling dies, etc.,” she wrote in March.

“Manhunt” is the best-seller in Amazon’s “LGBTQ+ Horror Fiction” genre — but around a quarter of the reviews give it the lowest one-star rating, some ripping it as “rape fantasy” and “misogynistic trash.”

“A trans-identified male fetishist writes his fantasy about raping and murdering women he hates in a post-apocalyptic world,” one recent review said, insisting there is “no redeeming aspect to this story. None.”

Women’s rights campaigners have also attacked the book as dangerous.

“‘Terf’ is simply the new term for ‘witch’, making us fair game to be threatened, harassed, and yes, even killed,” Karen Varley, co-founder of Women Uniting UK, told The Times of London.

“Astonishing that any responsible publisher would publish this vile male sexual fantasy.”

The book’s publisher, Tor Nightfire — an imprint of Macmillan — did not respond to a request for comment, the UK Times said.

Felker-Martin has been reveling in the scandal, however, tweeting ads for her “depraved psychosexual horrorshow” that is “currently giving TERFs around the world a collective aneurysm.”

The author even attacked Rowling for not joining the outrage, with the “Harry Potter” novelist’s spokesperson declining to comment.

“It’s funny that @jk_rowling will put trans women with 20 followers on blast like it’s nothing but she’s too chicken to say ‘boo’ about MANHUNT. In which she dies. Fictionally,” Felker-Martin tweeted Thursday.

This is what the bitch running Joe Biden’s Ministry of Truth calls “unsafe behavior on the internet.”

“You were mean to us so we are going to kill you” is perfectly safe, assuming the mean person is either a white male heterosexual or is otherwise below the person they are being mean to in the progressive stack. JK Rowling is white and heterosexual, despite being a woman, so she doesn’t have a right to question trannies.

“Our speech is violence is their violence is speech” has become a cliche, but it’s true.

It’s only Rowling’s position as a mega cultural icon that keeps her on Twitter, and her recent tweets were probably going to get her banned by that Paki if Musk didn’t swoop in.

Trannies are the most powerful people in our society, because they are theoretically the most oppressed – because they should be the most oppressed, because they are the most loathsome.

That’s the basis of this system: the most repulsive people are the most powerful. Trannies rank above unhinged cunts and black people. The only people more contemptible and nauseating than the trannies are the Christ-killing Jews themselves.

This looks like a parody, but it isn’t