Powerful Tucker Carlson Segment On The Minneapolis Riots & Our Feckless Leaders On Both Sides
"They'll feed you pointless symbolic victories & expect you to celebrate like you've actually won something. But when the mob comes, they're gone, you're on your own." pic.twitter.com/bPzSixVw5d
— The Columbia Bugle ?? (@ColumbiaBugle) May 30, 2020
I don’t understand how Tucker Carlson is still allowed on TV, but somehow he is.
On Friday night, the man appeared to be calling for an uprising against the system in an extremely flavorful rant against the rioters and those who support them.
He began by pointing out that a police station was burned on Thursday night, and no one was arrested, and it is likely no one ever will be arrested. He then explained how white people continue to follow the rules in all that we do, trying to keep civilization together, while the blacks are burning it all down and being encouraged to do so by the media and the politicians.
He didn’t actually say “white” and “black,” and made a point to say that it is not racial. Of course, it is racial. We all know that. However, there are some blacks who are not violent rioters, and there are some whites who are violent rioters. We actually saw up to 15% of the rioters in Minneapolis were either white or at least non-black (could be light-skinned Mexicans or Arabs). So it is fair to say it is not a 100% racial dividing line, but the basic reality is that most of the people rioting are blacks.
(Note: The reason the blacks are rioting is because they are being encouraged to riot by the government and media, both of which are controlled by Satan-worshiping Jews. So I do think it is false and a distraction to blame this all on blacks. Certainly, the Jew Jacob Frey, Mayor of Minneapolis, could have stopped these riots at any time by allowing the police to do their jobs, and instead he told them explicitly to not do their jobs. Blaming this all on the blacks leaves a person without understanding of what is actually happening in reality.)

“As Minneapolis burns … the rest of us are continuing on as we always do, dutifully following the rules,” he said before listing off “countless new rules” white Americans are abiding by, including wearing these gay masks. He noted that these rules “multiply like insects.”
“In public, we hide what we really think,” said Carlson. “We bury our natural instincts, we keep our deepest beliefs to ourselves. We know the boundaries. We understand we will be punished for telling the truth. This is the America the rest of us live in.”
While whites “follow those rules to the letter,” the hordes “have somehow negotiated a far better deal” and “get to ignore the rules.”

“They don’t believe in order or fairness,” he said. “They reject society itself. Reason and process and precedent mean nothing to them. They use violence to get what they want immediately. People like this don’t bother to work. They don’t volunteer or pay taxes to help other people. They live for themselves. They do exactly what they feel like doing. They say exactly what they feel like saying. They spray paint their opinions on buildings. On television, hour by hour, we watch these people — criminal mobs — destroy what the rest of us have built. They have no right to do that. They don’t contribute to the common good. They never have. Yet suddenly, they seem to have all the power.”
He explained that the media lectures us on how we’re evil while these blacks burn our cities: “Why are masked lunatics setting fire to Wendy’s? Because the rest of us are sinful. That’s what our leaders tell us. The crimes of the mob are the punishment we deserve. That’s their argument. And many seem to buy it.”
He then addressed the elephant in the room: that whites are punished for their speech, while blacks are not punished for literal real life violence.
“We should have seen this coming,” Tucker said. “When you express an opinion our leaders don’t like, they call it violence. When criminals commit actual acts of violence, they call it speech.”

Given that “the game is rigged,” Tucker mused, why are “the rest of us still playing it”?
Tucker went on to suggest that it might be time for those of us who are following the rules to stop following the rules, because we are not benefiting from following the rules. His plan for that remained vague, because he knows that if he openly calls for a revolution on television, he will be removed from the television. However, the message was loud and clear: this system has abandoned normal people and thus normal people no longer owe this system ANYTHING.
“The authorities clearly don’t care about you,” he stated as an absolute matter of fact. “The police won’t show up to save your life, literally. During election years, sweaty politicians claim to be on your side. It’s a lie. They’re not. They’ll waste your time with hollow posturing. They’ll feed you pointless symbolic victories, and expect you to celebrate, like you’ve actually won something. But when the mob comes, they’re gone. You’re on your own. That’s true. Those are the facts. We can’t change them. All we can control is our own behavior. Should you keep playing along with all of that? Ponder that the next time they demand you get a permit to put a deck on your own house. And think about it even harder the next time you write the next tax check.”

This system has totally sold us all out. We are getting nothing from it as it sucks our blood, moves us around like rats, makes outrageous demands of us, then calls us all evil racists and implies the world would be a better place if we’d never been born.
We built this system. Look around at your family and friends. Look at yourself. Consider how much of ourselves, our blood and sweat, we have given to this country, and imagine that these people running it – Jews and others – don’t care about any of that, and want to watch it literally burn down while blaming us for fires we didn’t start.