Turkey and Russia Now Developing Visa and Mastercard Alternative

It is extremely difficult to break out of the American dominated financial system. Everything is totally locked down.

However: progress is being made.


Moscow and Ankara are working on an alternative to replace the Russian payment system Mir after the US threatened Türkiye with sanctions for servicing its cards, Russia’s ambassador there, Aleksey Yerkhov, said on Thursday.

Mir was developed by the Central Bank of Russia in 2014 as a domestic alternative to Visa and Mastercard, after the first round of sanctions had been imposed on Moscow.

Mir cards had been accepted in Türkiye, Vietnam, Armenia, South Korea, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, South Ossetia, and Abkhazia. Five Turkish banks adopted the Mir payments network in early August 2022, which allowed Russian tourists to pay for purchases in the country.

But last year, the US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) announced that it was ready to impose sanctions on any financial institution outside Russia using Mir, citing the “risk of facilitating Russia’s efforts to evade sanctions.”

Who the hell knows what Erdogan’s game is. He clearly has a Polish type desire to build a new empire based on his ancestors’ historical empire, and he bobs back and forth between the East and West based on what benefits him. However, I would assume there is a longer game in there, where he is eventually going to side with one side or the other.

China already has a Visa alternative in the form of UnionPay.

The biggest problem for China – and therefore the biggest problem of everyone opposing the Anal Empire – is that they own all of this US debt, so if the US dollar collapses, they are left holding the bag.