Ugh: Yang Sends Out Wife to Talk About Getting Fingered by OB-GYN

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 17, 2020

Best way to boost your 2020 campaign?

Send your wife out with sexual molestation news.

Fox News:

Evelyn Yang, wife of 2020 presidential hopeful Andrew Yang, opened up on Thursday about the sexual assault she faced by her OB-GYN when she was pregnant with their first child.

Yang revealed to CNN that she was a victim of Dr. Robert Hadden in 2012 and how exams began as “routine” but changed after a few months.

“It started with inappropriate questions around how intimate I was with my husband, sexual activity, just very inappropriate probing questions that were unrelated to my health,” Evelyn Yang said.

She told CNN’s Dana Bash how exams became “longer” and “more frequent” as her pregnancy progressed, which she later learned were “unnecessary” as a new mom.

“I put up with some inappropriate behavior that I didn’t know at the time was straight-up sexual abuse slash sexual assault until much later,” Evelyn Yang reflected. “And I regret having put up with that because it ended up in a sexual assault that was indisputable.”

Evelyn Yang then recalled the “worst assault” by Hadden, which was when she was seven months pregnant.

“I was in the exam room and I was dressed and ready to go. And then, at the last minute, he kind of made up an excuse,” Evelyn Yang said. “He said something about — ‘You might need a C-section,’ and then he proceeded to grab me over to him and undress me and examine me internally ungloved. And at first, I was a little bit like, ‘What’s going on here?'”

“And there was no one else in the room?” Bash asked.

“No, no,” a tearful Evelyn Yang replied. “In fact, when I think back to most of our exams, I don’t think there was somebody in the room.”

This Hadden chap was convicted.

And he basically looks like a pervert (something which I don’t often say).

It’s a really weird coincidence that Yang’s wife was a client of his.

Or maybe it isn’t that weird of a coincidence, as he was a Manhattan doctor for rich people.

What is definitely weird is that Yang sent his wife out to talk about this as part of his presidential campaign.

“Hey did you know that like a decade ago, my wife was finger-banged by a doctor? Here she is to talk about it,” gives new meaning to “all publicity is good publicity.”