UK: Anti-Tranny Dyke Group Escorted by Police from Fag Parade

It’s time for these dykes to man up and respect trannies.

Trannies are women, you lesbo cunts!


A group of lesbian women were removed by law enforcement during a Pride march in Cardiff, Wales for “causing confrontation” after they were verbally attacked by trans activists. The organization, Get the L Out UK, opposes the addition of transgenderism to the LGB category, and carried banners which read “lesbians don’t like penises,” and “trans activism erases lesbians.”

Videos uploaded to Get the L Out’s Twitter account depict an exchange between Get the L Out organizer Angela Wild and a police officer.

“I want to make sure I understand. You are removing lesbians from an LGBT march. Is that what you’re doing?” Wild asked the officer.

“Yes, that is what’s happening. For your safety, and for other people’s safety,” he replied. “At the moment, your march is causing confrontation between different groups of people.”

In the background, a man wearing a dress can be seen rushing towards Liane Timmermann, activist and lead campaigner with the organization, while shouting insults.

Speaking to Reduxx on what happened, Get the L Out demonstrator Angela Wild says police formed a line between them and the other Pride marchers immediately.

“We were initially told by the police that we had to move, but we told them we had the right to march where we were. They then told us they could escort us, but only if we marched at the back. We said ‘no, we’re at the front, and we intend to march where we are.’”

Wild says that while the police initially told them they were allowed to march at the front, the decision was quickly rescinded, and the lesbian demonstrators were once again told they either needed to shift to the back of the march, or they would be removed entirely.

“They told us we were going to be removed for our own safety, to which we asked why they wouldn’t do anything about the trans activists who were harassing us. They didn’t respond. We were then threatened with being physically removed from the march.”

Wild noted that verbal abuse was being hurled at them, with one particularly hostile trans activist telling them that “lesbians can fuck off,” but police did nothing to stop the hostility that was aimed at Wild and her group.

“We did this action to highlight the way lesbians are treated within the LGBT community, and in Pride marches as well, where we cannot state that we do not like to have sexual relationships with men, even if the men identify as or call themselves lesbians,” Wild told Reduxx.

“It’s an issue that no one seems to want to talk about. One of our banners said ‘cotton ceiling is rape’ and another banner that said ‘lesbians don’t like penises.’ They don’t seem like controversial statements but that’s what got us all the harassment,” she added.

The ‘cotton ceiling’ refers to a term coined by porn star and trans activist Drew DeVeaux in 2015. It is inspired by the concept of the “glass ceiling,” which is used to describe discrimination women face in the workplace that prevents them for reaching upper management levels. The “cotton” refers to the material of a women’s underwear, and frames a lesbian’s refusal to have sexual relations with males as a form of discrimination.

Wild also says their participation in the Pride march was intended to provide opposition to plans the Welsh government has to introduce LGBT-oriented policy in an effort to become the most “LGBT friendly state in the world.” Wild stated she had concerns the policies were going to disproportionately impact women and lesbians as similar policies have in other parts of the world.

In a past interview with Women’s Declaration International, Timmermann explained that Get the L Out focuses on direct actions and research, and that the group was formed “because we realized that transgenderism is a threat to women, but more specifically to lesbians.”

“We see transgenderism as posting two main dangers for lesbians: the cotton ceiling and the trans’ing of young non-conforming girls and women, most of whom are lesbians,” Timmermann explained.

On Twitter, feminists and lesbian allies expressed outrage at the footage uploaded by Get the L Out UK, with many pointing out the irony in removing lesbians from a pride parade for not wanting to engage in heterosexual relations.

“Pride was set up to protest against the homophobia directed at people because of their sexual orientation not for heterosexuals. Yet there we have it – same sex attracted women being harassed by heterosexuals,” Twitter user Davina Day wrote.

Many also took issue with the police claiming the lesbians’ removal was for “their safety,” when the threat itself was not being addressed.

“And ‘for your own protection.’ How about removing the men who were threatening them? Or maybe the law doesn’t apply when you identity as trans?” User Jonathan Hartley asked.

Pride Cymru released a statement following footage of the lesbians’ removal going viral on social media. In the short post, they suggested Get the L Out had “interrupted the march” and proclaimed “trans rights are human rights.”

They’re literally telling lesbians that they have to have penis-in-vagina sex with trannies, which is kind of the funniest thing ever, actually.

I don’t think there are any lesbians that support trannies. Lesbianism is not even a real thing in the first place – it’s just women who hate men, usually because they were raped by their step-father or whatever, but sometimes just because they had bad experiences with relationships as a kid.

Growing up, there were several millennials I knew with “lesbian mothers.” It’s like, if they’re lesbians, then how did they have kids? (This was before the artificial insemination thing was big.) The answer was: “they didn’t realize they were lesbians until the divorce.” How convenient.

Lesbians in theory shove fake penises into each other. So they want penises. It’s just damaged women that are afraid of and/or hate men.

So they are the number one people who are going to be against men pretending to be women.

Then these Jews swing through and tell them they have to have what is actually heterosexual sex with the trannies, and just call it lesbianism.

Heterosexual women support trannies, but lesbians do not.

This is why we’re not colonizing Mars