UK: Black Who Strangled Young White Barmaid to Death is Now Charged with Her Rape

Wesley Streete and Keeley Bunker.

It’s shocking that a black would rape a woman before killing her.

You just don’t expect such a thing from a people who are celebrated for their exceptional self-restraint.


A man accused of murdering a ‘beautiful’ young barmaid has also been charged with her rape, a court has heard.

Keeley Bunker’s remains were discovered in a woodland at Wigginton Park in Tamworth, Staffordshire at around 9pm on September 19.

The young woman had allegedly been sexually assaulted and strangled before her body was dumped in a pond covered in branches, Stafford Crown Court heard.

Wesley Streete, 19, of no fixed address, pleaded not guilty to both rape and murder during a 45-minute hearing today.

Judge Michael Chambers QC set a provisional trial date of July 13 and remanded Streete in custody as he adjourned the case.

He said: ‘Your case is being adjourned further as I have heard it’s no longer possible to try this matter in March. The likelihood is it will be tried on July 13.

‘I am required to warn you if you choose not to attend your trial, it may happen in your absence and you may be unrepresented.’

The public gallery was packed with Keeley’s family and friends as new details of her death emerged.

Her relatives had organised a search for her after she did not return home after watching an Aitch gig in Birmingham.

Hundreds of people gathered in October to honour the popular young barmaid at her funeral in Tamworth.