UK: Congoid Savage Locked Up for Stabbing White Teen to Death at Halloween Party

Michael Thompson.

Who the hell invites a gang of blacks to a Halloween party?

Examiner Live:

A masked evil thug has been jailed for the murder of a teenager at a Halloween party.

Michael Thompson, from Huddersfield, stabbed 17-year-old Jamie Brown on October 27 after a disturbance broke out between his gang and others outside the party in Halifax.

Days earlier he had been watching graphic and violent videos online of people being stabbed.

He looked at one entitled ‘very graphic – man is stabbed to death by thugs in jail‘.

Yes, I’m sure those violent videos he watched encouraged the black to commit this murder.

The fact that he belongs to a barbaric race of cannibals and cutthroat pillagers is an insignificant contributing factor.

Following the stabbing, the violence continued and a member of Thompson’s gang shouted: “I’ll f***ing kill you.”

Another said: “I’ll shank (stab) you.”

Leeds Crown Court heard that Thompson, who was 16 at the time, went to the party with friends from Huddersfield and was “intent on violence.”

They tried to get into the party when an argument started between them and Jamie and his friends, who were already inside.

The court heard that Jamie weighed only 10st 6lbs and was not a threat to anyone. He was described as a “lovely and gentle boy”.

Thompson was armed with a 12inch knife and one of his friends had a hammer which had his initials on it.

During the disturbance on 27 October, Thompson stabbed Jamie in the lower abdomen. Despite the best efforts of paramedics to save him, Jamie sadly died a short time later.

He was jailed for life with a minimum sentence of 17 years.

Jamie Brown.