UK: Inquiry Shows Nurses and Doctors Constantly Terrorised with Tranny Stuff

Taking hormone injections and mutilating your genitals is a relatively new phenomenon, and it is safe to assume that in most areas, not one single doctor or nurse practicing right now was trained in university on how to deal with the problems that these people have.

So, this is a practical matter. But instead of framing it as a practical matter, the media and government are reading reddit posts on tranny forums and framing it as an issue of blind and irrational hatred for the mutilation of the genitals.


Nurses in Britain’s socialised healthcare system have been fired from their jobs for raising concerns about the National Health Service’s (NHS) policies on transgenderism, such as placing biological males in single-sex female wards, a Tory peer has told Parliament.

Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne has warned the House of Lords that the promotion of transgender issues not only risks diminishing the privacy rights of women but is also resulting in a chilling effect in which healthcare workers are afraid to speak out as some have already been fired for questioning the state’s policies.

In testimony before the Lords during detailed scrutiny of the Health and Care Bill, the Tory peer said that healthcare workers have been “inhibited” from speaking over concerns of being fired or being denounced as “bigots” for arguing for female rights.

“I have met several nurses who have lost their jobs because of this”, Baroness Nicholson said per The Telegraph. “A doctor says that he no longer feels able to make comments about sex and gender. He recently delivered a baby, he said it was a girl and he was accused of transphobia.”

One such nurse relayed to the Tory peer that “trans rights supersede all other rights and concerns” at the NHS, therefore making it “impossible” to fulfil her mission to “advocate for the vulnerable”.

Baroness Nicholson argued that the NHS policy of sorting patients “according to their presentation: the way they dress, and the name and pronouns they currently use” rather than by biological sex has “diminished significantly” the safety and privacy rights of female patients.

“Transgenderism, and I speak as a woman, has undermined that provision with the 2019 NHS guidance authorising self-selection of patient gender on arrival in hospitals, something neither enshrined in law nor backed by public demand.

“Yet Parliament and our ministers have consistently declared that women both need and should have privacy, dignity and safety in their most vulnerable situations such as when sick or pregnant.”

One correction: women should not have dignity.

Well, maybe they should have, but they don’t.

She also told the House of Lords of a case in which a 14-year-old girl turned down a cervical smear because the nurse who was to perform the test was “very clearly a natal male”.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), Lord Syed Kamall responded to her testimony by saying that NHS England is currently reviewing the policy of housing transgender people in same-sex wards “to ensure that it remains focused on privacy, safety and dignity for all patients.”

Syed Kamall

“The NHS is committed to meeting its duties under the Equalities Act and as such needs to give due regard to both those whose gender identity is the same as their biological sex at birth as as well as those who are not.

“This means that the rights and needs of women and trans women are equal in law.”

Yeah, it’s really a conundrum.

But the plan has to be to strike fear into anyone who questions this program by making examples of anyone who dares to voice opposition.

That’s the only possible solution.

We have to maximize trannies, and we can’t let healthcare professionals or supposed “women’s rights” get in the way of this program.

Without transforming the entire population into trannies, Europe will not survive.