UK: Negress Sues Police After Being Arrested for Assaulting Taxi Marshall

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
July 12, 2014

Bianca Durrant trying to look intelligent.

A Negress in Britain has decided to push the envelope for Black privilege and see whether she can get away with claiming ‘racism’ after being arrested on a ‘drunk and disorderly’ charge and physically assaulting a Taxi Marshall.

Bristol Post:

A woman who claims she was racially abused and humiliated by Avon and Somerset Constabulary and kept “caged” in a police van has taken her five-year battle for compensation to London’s High Court.

Bianca Durrant, of Downend, says she was “racially targeted and ethnically profiled” by officers who turned up to quell a spat over a cab fare and immediately singled her out for arrest.

It is not ‘racial targeting’ or ‘ethnic profiling’ when the victim has just pointed you out as the attacker Miss Durrant.

Miss Durrant alleges police “assumed she was guilty because of her skin colour”.

It was not because she had just physically assaulted the taxi marshall then?

She further claims that she was “the victim of a racially aggravated assault by the arresting officers”.

She also insists that, in putting her in the “caged area” of a police van, she was treated differently due to her race.

Where does she think they normally put people they have just arrested then, on the front seat with the arresting officers?

Miss Durrant was arrested in Kingsdown with two friends in the early hours of June 13, 2009, following a night out during which she told the court she had drunk around five bottles of light beer.

The 34-year-old was arrested for an alleged assault on a taxi marshal, following which she was held for a short time at a police station and subsequently charged with a Public Order Act offence and assault.

But when her case reached trial in February 2010 she was acquitted after the prosecution offered no evidence against her.

Now, Miss Durrant is seeking substantial damages from the force, alleging that she was treated “in an inhumane, degrading and humiliating way because of her racial heritage”.

No, you were arrested because you attacked someone. Being Black is not a valid defence for that sort of behavior Miss Durrant, you are not in Africa now.

Police arrested her for assaulting someone and for being drunk. The victim positively identified her at the scene of the crime.

Avon and Somerset Police, however, deny that any of the officers involved did anything wrong and are vigorously defending the case.

Miss Durrant, described at an earlier court hearing as “highly intelligent and articulate”, is presenting her own case before Judge Anthony Seys-Llewellyn QC in a hearing expected to last up to a week.

She claims that the hotly disputed incident developed after she was verbally abused and “frogmarched” along the street by a “brutish”, 20-stone, taxi marshal who had held one of her friends against his will.

I didn’t punch him, I hit him“, she told the court yesterday.

She denied being “rude or aggressive” to either a cab driver or the taxi marshal, although she accepted that she may have used a derogatory term.

I guess hitting someone doesn’t count as rude or aggressive among sub-Saharan primates.

“I’m not saying it is out of the question,” she told the judge.

She denied having a “strong dislike” of the police, telling the court: “No, the police have a job to do and should do that job lawfully.”

Nor was she behaving aggressively, she insisted, telling the judge: “There’s a difference between aggression and assertiveness.

“I was being assertive“.

Hitting innocent people is the Negress primate’s way of being ‘assertive’.

The hearing, which is expected to last a week, continues.

Hopefully she will lose and then have to pay all the costs.

Somerset coat of arms.