UK: Negroid Drags 18-Year-Old Girl Into Car Park, Rapes Her

This is what an actual rape looks like.

When was the last time you ever heard of a white man doing something like this?

Does it ever even happen?

Suffolk Police:

Officers investigating an allegation of rape in Ipswich have carried-out checks in the town 24 hours after the attack occurred, speaking to over 200 people.

The incident took place at around 3am yesterday morning, Saturday 20 July, and was reported to police shortly before 4.30am.

The victim – an 18-year-old woman – was walking along Silent Street when she was grabbed from behind and dragged into a car park where she was raped by an unknown male.

The male suspect is described as black with curly hair.

Specialist trained officers are continuing to support the victim, as work to identify the offender continues. This includes house-to-house, forensic and CCTV enquiries.

Between 2am and 4am this morning, Sunday 21 July, officers conducted checks in Silent Street, where they spoke to 238 people and distributed leaflets with information about the attack.