UK: Negroid Savage Gets 14 Years for Abducting Woman and Violently Raping Her for Hours

Andrew Carey.

Dragging women into secluded areas and brutally raping them for hours on end seems to be a recurring theme with these blacks.

Northampton Chronicle & Echo:

A woman who was subjected to a terrifying kidnap and brutal sexual assault bravely faced her violent rapist in court yesterday as he was sentenced to 14 years and four months in jail.

Anthony Carey, 29, was jailed at Northampton Crown Court yesterday (July 19) for the horrific attack on the woman last year, in which he abducted her off a road in Daventry before raping her in a secluded farm track.

But Carey’s victim has been praised by police for her bravery after she not only reported the attack but saw it through in court so she could watch her attacker go to prison.

The court heard how, in November 2018, the victim was walking along a street in Daventry when Carey, who was wearing a black mask, pulled up beside her in his grey Nissan Leaf and forced her into the car.

He then drove the woman to a secluded farm track, dragged her out of the car and beat her so badly that she lost consciousness. When the woman woke up Carey then subjected her to a brutal sexual assault.

In sentencing, Her Honour Judge Rebecca Crane commented on how the woman thought Carey was going to kill her.

Addressing him, she said: “You have shown no remorse. This was a truly terrifying incident in which you violently abducted and raped this woman in an ordeal that lasted up to two and a half hours.

“You threatened to shoot or stab her if she tried to call the police and it is clear that this incident has had a profound effect on her.”