UK: No Jail Time for Black Personal Trainer Who Killed White Father of Three in Road Crash

Edward Scott-Bennin.

Yes, it’s true that Edward tore a white family apart.

But black people have emotional needs too, such as the desire to not feel discriminated against because of the color of their skin.

And nothing is more indicative of skin-related discrimination than holding blacks accountable for any crime they’ve ever committed.


A celebrity personal trainer who killed a young father in a road crash was told: ‘I hope you have nightmares for the rest of your life’ after being allowed to walk free.

Edward Scott-Bennin, 49, had turned right and jumped a set of lights in Chelsea, London, when he hit father-of-three Tommy McEniry, 28.

After a 10-month investigation, it was found that there was not a green filter light directing the traffic and Scott-Bennin should have been able to see McEniry before crashing into him.

Isleworth Crown Court heard how Scott-Bennin had never got a full driving licence and admitted lying to obtain car insurance.

His website says he has worked with celebrity clients such as Cliff Curtis of Training day, Captain America’s Derek Luke, Sophia Luke of Spartan, a former Miss Ukraine and many others.

The personal trainer, of Kensington, admitted causing death by dangerous driving and making a false statement to obtain insurance.

Judge Robin Johnson gave Scott-Bennin nine months imprisonment suspended for eighteen months.

But the decision was met with outrage from the victim’s aunt who shouted: ‘How is the family supposed to cope with this?

Along with the suspended jail sentence, the judge gave Scott-Benin 200 hours unpaid work and to pay £1,500 pounds compensation.

He was banned from driving for three years.

Tommy McEniry.