UK: Nog Tries to Re-Enter Country After Fleeing in 2007 to Avoid Child Sex Charges, Gets Arrested

Imagine returning to a country in which you’re wanted for such a thing.

And it’s not like he tried to break in undetected, either – he literally entered via Heathrow Airport, passport in hand.

Perhaps he thought crime databases had limited memories or something.

Kent Online:

A rapist who fled the country to avoid a trial 12 years ago has now been jailed for 15 years.

Onimisi Seidu, from Chatham, raped a child on four occasions between 2002 and 2006.

But the 47-year-old failed to attend a trial at Maidstone Crown Court in 2007 and instead fled the country.

In March, he tried to re enter the UK on a flight into Heathrow Airport – but was arrested by police.

He was remanded in custody following his arrest and admitted all four offences during an appearance at Maidstone Crown Court on April 1.

And today he was sentenced to 15 years behind bars at the same court.

In addition to his custodial sentence, Seidu will be on a one year extended licence upon his release and the subject of an indefinite sexual harm prevention order.