UK: Over 300,000 Sign Petition Demanding Total Halt to Immigration

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 15, 2015

Only about half of refugees want to slaughter people. The others are simply parasites who wish to feed off of our wealth.
Only about half of refugees want to slaughter people. The others are simply parasites who wish to feed off of our wealth.

The British people are demanding their evil Jew government stop flooding them with terrorists. A petition calling for the closing of the borders completely had been up since September, but had gotten little attention. Following the race war breaking out in France, hundreds of thousands have signed it over a period of 24 hours.

The petition, posted on the UK Parliament’s website, reads?

Stop all immigration and close the UK borders until ISIS is defeated.

In February 2015 Dr Shea, Nato’s Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, warned there would be IS jihadists on the refugee boats. IS also threatened to flood Europe with 500,000 jihadists.

Allowing uncontrolled immigration and taking in these refugees potentially endangers the entire UK population. At any other time in our history this would be tantamount to a declaration of war and borders would be closed.

How is this something that someone would even have to demand from a government?

Right now.
Right now.

This comes following the ***shocking*** news that at least two of the attackers probably got into Europe by posing as welfare leeches.