UK Releases Dumb Fake Intelligence After Media Brags About Releasing Dumb Fake Intelligence

We’ve never seen this level of Jewing.

So, I assume we’ve all seen the clip from NBC last week, where the channel praises the “intelligence community” for purposefully putting out fake information about Russia.

It’s difficult to even process what is going on there. I guess they are just covering their asses, saying “yeah, we just report totally fake news about Russia on purpose as part of a strategy of stopping Russia.”

I guess it is also just that a celebration of fake news was the logical end point of an endless barrage of fake news.

At the same time, not even retards can believe any “intelligence” released at this point, as they are just saying they release fake intelligence.

Here’s the latest exhibit.


British military intelligence sad on Sunday the Russian armed forces was seeking to strengthen troop numbers with personnel discharged from military service since 2012, as losses mount from its invasion of Ukraine.

The Russian forces’ efforts to boost their fighting power also includes trying to recruit from the unrecognised Transnistria region of Moldova, the Ministry of Defence said in a regular bulletin on Twitter.

Reuters admitted they “could not verify this report.” Yeah, no shit – no one can verify any of this. We are just being spammed with fake news.

Here’s the tweet.

All of this stuff about “Russia is losing” is part of the fake intelligence hoax.

Hey UK MoD.


Hey, guys.

Check this out:

Did you miss that one?

Russia hasn’t even deployed 10% of its military.

The idea that they are going to start recruiting randos from Transnistria is so obviously just some retarded thing someone made up that it would be offensive.

But it’s not offensive, because as NBC has informed us, making up fake intelligence and publishing it in the media is how we win for democracy.