Ukrainian Fighter to VICE: “I Don’t Know What the Government’s Plans Are, But It Looks Like an Extermination of Their Own Population”

Start at 5:20 for the relevant clip

Finally, we have video of a Ukrainian saying the thing that I’ve been saying Ukrainians have to have been thinking.

In a video release this week by VICE News, a solider who had been in Bakhmut is talking about the senselessness of the slaughter, and says:

“I don’t know what the government’s plans are, but it looks like an extermination of their own population. Like, of the combat ready and working age population. That’s all.”



I’ve been saying this for nearly a year. The Ukraine now has half the population it had in February of 2022. Most of that is a result of emigration, but hundreds of thousands have died in the war.

And those that emigrated are not coming back.

The solider in the video, like the overwhelming majority of non-neo-Nazi soldiers we see, speaks Russian as a first language. Whether that means he is “Russian” is up to him to decide, I guess. Or the viewers. I don’t personally believe “Ukrainian” exists at all. The language is the only identifying factor, aside from a much lowered IQ, between “Ukrainian” and “Russian.” Talking about a “Ukrainian nation” is like talking about an “Appalachian nation” because they have bad grammar, alternative pronunciation, and use region-locked slang. They are still Americans.

The US has been trying to build a Jewish-run “Ukraine nation” since 2014, forcing people to learn and speak the so-called Ukraine language – which is just a version of Russian with dumbed-down Polish-influenced grammar and some Polish words.

I’ve talked previously about how “Ukrainian” is an underclass of peasants who breed together and become dumber for doing so. There is a huge IQ gap. I can’t find the article (I can’t ever find my own articles, they always have names I can’t remember). But they are trying to force assimilate the majority population that does not speak the language, and killing off huge numbers of them by forcing them to go die fighting the Russians is a genius plan, and one of the only explanations for the war.

Significantly lowering the population also makes it easier for BlackRock to take over.

Once you realize that the stated objectives of the US – to “take Crimea” and collapse the Russian government – cannot possibly be real goals, you start to have to look at other reasons why they are doing this. I think they want to destroy the old equipment so arms contractors can replace it, they want to auction off the Western part of the country, and they want to establish a new Jewish/neo-Nazi fake country on Russia’s border.

It sucks for the Ukrainians like this guy in this clip.

I know I always say “never feel bad for anyone you don’t know personally, because you can’t just go dumping emotional resources on people you don’t know.” Stick to that. But you can also just imagine what it must be like for these people in the Ukraine – untrained soldiers who were forced to go die in unbelievable numbers in the first serious and full-scale war in history where one side had no intention of actually winning.

It’s a tough row to hoe.

Ukraine be like

As far as why VICE posted this – I don’t know. It’s some mini documentary about the fall of Bakhmut, where they are drumming up sympathy for the pathetic Ukrainians, and wanting more money for them. So I guess this fits into that, and if a leftist hears that, they don’t even understand what it means.

A lot of right-wingers wouldn’t understand what it means either.

Because they don’t understand the meaning of this face: