UN Chief Praises Jews, Denounces Antisemitism

Daily Stormer
October 20, 2013

The crazy Korean even went so far as to claim that the Jews are “working for peace.”  What does this even mean?

I think that North Korea guy should be the head of the UN instead.  He is super cool.

This is the kind of leadership the world needs.
This is the kind of leadership the world needs.

From the Jerusalem Post:

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon praised the American Jewish community for its partnership in fighting injustice while stressing the need to “stand strong against extremists,” while speaking in New York Tuesday night.

At the 50th anniversary tribute gala dinner of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Ban said the UN and American Jewry “share a common goal… and identical values” in the pursuit of “peace and human dignity for all.”

In his brief speech to the estimated 1,100 attendees, Ban said: “There can be no mistaking the distinct imprint that American Jewish organizations have made on the United Nations.

“Over the years we have campaigned together against injustice and intolerance. Our joint legacy is solid. The question now is where we go from here.”

Despite “living in an era of tremendous opportunity,” Ban acknowledged present threats and challenges. He reiterated that, “no one – not Jews, Muslims or anyone else – should suffer or be targeted because of the creed they follow.

“My position is unequivocal: anti-Semitism has no place in the 21st century,” he said. “Too much is at stake to allow such discrimination to persist.”