This is what oppressed blacks deal with every single day in racist America.
They are prosecuted for fake crimes.
This 18-year-old little child is being charged with a crime simply for defending himself against an evil white male who did microaggressions on him.
An 18-year-old man, who was charged in an “unprovoked attack” on a Macy’s manager in Michigan, was arrested Thursday night.
Damire Canell Palmer was charged with felony assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder on June 26. The charges stemmed from the vicious June 15 attack on a Macy’s employee at the Genesee Valley Center shopping mall in Flint Township.
“Great bodily harm.”
I would laugh if it wasn’t so sick.

Have these people not heard of slavery?
Do they know about when whites stole the civilization of the blacks, starting with the pyramids?
The physical assault was captured on video and went viral last month. Cellphone video shows the aggressor landing several punches on the 50-year-old Macy’s manager, and knocking him to the ground.
Surveillance video from Macy’s reportedly shows Palmer walking around the department store before he approaches the manager in the men’s clothing section and then punching him in the head.
There were allegations that the manager, who is white, said a racial slur toward the suspect, who is black. Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton said investigators did not find any evidence of the Macy’s employee making racial comments or doing anything to provoke the attack.
Even if he didn’t say “nigger” with his lips, he felt it in his heart.
That is what this innocent child was responding to when he made his small gesture against the slave master.
This was an unprovoked attack on a Macy’s employee,” Leyton said on June 26. “This behavior, as seen on the video, is unacceptable, it is criminal and it cannot be allowed.”
“We don’t believe any racial slur was made by the store manager, and even if there had been, it does not condone nor justify the assault by Mr. Palmer,” Leyton added.
Who is this “David Leyton”?
You guessed it.
That’s right, folks.
Another white male who wants to make black people suffer because he hates the color of their skin.
In 2020, this is happening in our cities.
“Violence in the workplace of any kind is unacceptable,” Andrea Schwartz, senior director of media relations for Macy’s, said in a statement last month. “All the materials from the evening have been reviewed and it is clear that the attack was unprovoked. We are working closely with local authorities on this investigation and will defer any further comments about the case to them per policy.”
President Donald Trump retweeted the video of the attack on June 22.
“Looks what’s going on here,” he tweeted. “Where are the protesters? Was this man arrested?”
The big orange Nazi-in-Chief himself intervened on behalf of the racist, who they say had a scratch on him.
The poor little unarmed child Damire Canell Palmer is at least in good spirits, judging by the photo from his arrest.

We can only hope that his beautiful soul will retain its sweet melody as the racists punish him for simply trying to defend himself against white supremacy in 2020.
This is everything that the very honest-looking people from the Israeli Anti-Defamation League warned us about.
We must get Joe Biden elected in November so that victims of the white supremacist system like Damire Canell Palmer can be let out of jail and free to roam again, and to sing a beautiful song of joyousness.