Under Jewish Rule

Lasha Darkmoon
November 16, 2013

Kevin MacDonald’s review of Wilhelm Marr’s pamphlet, Der Sieg des Judenthums über das Germanenthum, 1879, (“The Victory of Judaism over Germanism”), is a fascinating compendium of pessimistic quotations in which German political pundit Marr concludes gloomily that there was no hope left for Germany.

It was finished — yes, as early as the 1870s. The Jews, he lamented, were simply too formidable a foe.

Marr’s pamphlet ends with these chilling words: “Let us accept the inescapable, since we cannot change it. Its name is: FINIS GERMANIAE—the end of Germany!”

1.  Is America the new Germany?

I confess I had no idea the outlook was so bleak in Germany as early as 1879. (Marr’s pamphlet has recently been translated into English and is now available in pdf format).  I had been under the false impression that the notion of Jewish domination came much later — after the publication of the Protocols (1903) and the Russian Revolution (1917).

We have seen it all happen though. Germany was brought to its knees, exactly as Marr predicted. Its cadaver now lies rotting.

It was only quite recently that Israel demanded from Germany a further 1 billion Euros ($1.4 billion) in Holocaust reparations for its endlessly traumatized Jewish survivors. Almost 70 years after World War II, the grim extortion racket continues unabated.

Though World War II ended sixty-eight years ago, the number of Holocaust survivors today is truly phenomenal. This prompted Norman Finkelstein’s mother to ask somewhat cynically, after she had been cheated out of her reparations money by the rabbis who administered the Holocaust Fund: “If everyone who claims to be a survivor actually is one, who did Hitler kill?”

Good question.

Wilhelm Marr (1819–1904). His controversial pamphlet of 1879 predicted the end of Germany—sixty-six years before Germany’s catastrophic defeat in World War II in 1945.
Wilhelm Marr (1819–1904). His controversial pamphlet of 1879 predicted the end of Germany—sixty-six years before Germany’s catastrophic defeat in World War II in 1945.

The subject that interests me however—and which should be of vital importance to Americans undergoing an almost identical trauma at the hands of organized Jewry today — is the question: to what extent was Germany in the days before Hitler’s rise to power a dress rehearsal for what we are witnessing in America right now? What are the parallels?  Is it time to write America’s obituary?

Is it time to say, FINIS AMERICAE — the end of America?

Here is a pertinent, relatively modern quotation which will serve as a useful coda to the doomladen citations from Marr. Read it carefully. It will not only hammer home the points made by Marr several decades earlier, it will also provide the reader with a sharp reminder of the parallel situation in which America finds itself today.

With one significant difference: America is in a far worse condition.

Historian Sir Arthur Bryant summarizes Jewish power in pre-1933 Germany. I have edited this slightly for brevity, omitting the ellipses:

It was the Jews with their international affiliations and their hereditary flair for finance who were best able to seize such opportunities. They did so with such effect that, even in November 1938, after five years of anti-Semitic legislation and persecution, they still owned, according to the Times correspondent  in Berlin, something like A THIRD OF THE REAL PROPERTY OF THE REICH.

Most of it came into their hands during the inflation. But to those who had lost their all, this bewildering transfer seemed a monstrous injustice. After prolonged sufferings they had now been deprived of their last possessions. They saw them pass into the hands of strangers, many of whom had not shared their sacrifices and who cared little or nothing for their national standards and traditions.

The Jews obtained a wonderful ascendancy in politics, business and the learned professions, in spite of constituting LESS THAN ONE PERCENT OF THE POPULATION.

The banks, including the Reichsbank and the big private banks, were practically controlled by them. So were the publishing trade, the cinema, the theatres and a large part of the press — all the normal means, in fact, by which public opinion in a civilized country is formed. The largest newspaper combine in the country with a daily circulation of four millions was a Jewish monopoly. Every year it became HARDER AND HARDER FOR A GENTILE TO GAIN OR KEEP A FOOTHOLD IN ANY PRIVILEGED OCCUPATION.

At this time it was not the ‘Aryans’ who exercised racial discrimination. It was a discrimination that operated without violence. It was EXERCISED BY A MINORITY AGAINST A MAJORITY.

There was no persecution, only elimination. It was the contrast between the wealth enjoyed — and lavishly displayed—by aliens of cosmopolitan tastes, and the poverty and misery of native Germans, that has made anti-Semitism so dangerous and ugly a force in the new Europe.

Beggars on horseback are seldom popular, least of all with those whom they have just thrown out of the saddle.

Sir Arthur Bryant, Unfinished Victory (1940), emphasis added.

Throughout history, Christianity, and especially the Catholic Church, has been a countervailing force against organized Jewry — against a “stiff-necked” people who, while claiming spotless innocence and invariably framing their detractors as irrational and pathological haters, have nevertheless been expelled from no fewer than 109 locations since the year AD250.

Why has contemporary Christianity failed so abysmally to stand up to the encroachments of organized Jewry and its influence?

This is a question I will attempt to answer now.

2.  The Christian Zionists and organized Jewry: fools conned by knaves

Despite its history as the only Western institution that has been able at times to resist Jewish power, the Catholic Church, of which I am a hopelessly dysfunctional practicing member, has proved to be an acute disappointment. It has been thoroughly subverted from within and without. It offers neither guidance nor leadership. So forget the Catholics — a spent force.

One is also forced to conclude that there is little hope that American Protestants could come to the rescue. Their infatuated legions — particularly the 60 million Christian Zionists who constitute the most influential group among them — are in many ways as rabid as the fanatical Jews who seem to have infected them with their zealotry, egging them on to find solace in eschatological ecstasies and millenarian mumbojumbo.

Life is indeed so empty and sterile for these wretched lumpengoyim that the only thing that excites their sluggish sensitivities is the prospect of Armageddon and the thought of universal and catastrophic death — the quicker the better.

Whipped into a frenzy of religious fervor by the Grahams and the Robertsons, the Falwells and the Hagees, the Lindseys and the La Hayes, these Christian Zionists have become imitation Jews almost indistinguishable from Vladimir Jabotinski and Baruch Goldstein.

They believe in a Greater Israel — entailing further conquests of Arab Land — and in the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

They have “adopted” illegal settlements and they directly finance the bulldozing of Palestinian homes, the uprooting of olive trees, and the daily oppression of the rightful owners of the Holy Land.

They pray every Sunday in their vast soulless churches for the destruction of Iran.

And if push came to shove, they would gladly give their blessings to genocide—and call it “the will of God.”

John Hagee – a major Zionist American agent
John Hagee – a major Zionist American agent

John Hagee (left), founder of Christians United for Israel: “Fifty million evangelical Christians unite with five million American Jews, standing together on behalf of Israel….The man or nation that lifts a voice or hand against Israel invites the wrath of God.”

There are now 80,000 fundamentalist pastors and clergy preaching their message of madness to these ill-educated Christian masses — in many ways as gullible and gormless as medieval peasants.

The pernicious views of their “pastors” are disseminated by 1000 local Christian radio stations as well as 100 Christian TV stations. (See here)

Consider the unimaginable war crimes committed by the state of Israel a few years ago in Gaza. The world saw it happen. Judge Goldstone saw it happen. His meticulously documented report makes it abundantly clear that Israel is a criminal nation and that its politicians and generals are steeped in criminality.

Later on, under intense pressure and perhaps intimidation, Judge Goldstone backtracked and made lame excuses for these war crimes. In the eyes of many, he damaged his reputation by doing this.

Yet here is Grace Halsell: “Every act taken by Israel is orchestrated by God, and should be condoned, supported, and even praised by the rest of us.”

When I first read this, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Was this woman crazy? Where had she been since 1948? Hadn’t she heard of the Goldstone Report? Did she have no inkling of Israeli war crimes?

Had she forgotten the Deir Yassin massacre (1948), the Lavon affair (1954), the Sabra and Shatila war crimes (1982), Qana (17 villages wiped out 1996), the Jenin massacre (2002), the Lebanon and Egyptian terrorist attacks and the atrocities in Iraq from 1990 to the present time, the horrific Gaza invasion of 2009?

Had she never heard of the King David Hotel bombing of the British? Had she never heard of the Hebron Mosque massacre by Baruch Goldstein?

Had she never heard of the sneak attack on the USS Liberty? Had she never heard of American state secrets sold to the Soviets and Chinese?  Had she never heard of white phosphorus and cluster bombs and DIME weapons that slice babies’ bodies in half?

Above all: had she forgotten 9/11, the war crime of the century, dressed up to look like an Al Qaeda spectacular?

I need not have worried.

Halsell, I was relieved to learn, was being ironic. She opposed Zionism as much as I did—as any sane and reasonable person would.

Zionist double talk has become an American institution
Zionist double talk has become an American institution

3.  Why Contemporary America is far worse off than pre-National Socialist Germany

I have been accused of needless defeatism by some of my anti-Zionist colleagues. America is far from dead, they assure me. It’s alive and kicking. It’s just a matter of time before good patriotic Americans rise from their slumber, reclaim lost ground, and take back their country. I wish I could feel as sanguine about America’s prospects as these optimists do.

I should like to convince you that the problems facing Germany in the past were far less formidable than the problems facing any potential American rescuer today.

One of the serious negative factors facing America today — a problem the Germans never had—is the existence of vast numbers of Christian Zionists in their midst.

Germany of course had to cope with organized Jewry, a group working from within to undermine the foundations of German society. But one scourge Germany did not have, and which America has, is this scourge of a non-Jewish enemy within: the 60 million Christian Zionists acting in cahoots with organized Jewry to oppose the interests of their own people.

America’s Christian Zionists, it would seem, are their own worst enemy — blithely planning their own demise without knowing it.

So here is Problem Number One for those of you who dream that America could once again become the self-conscious ethnic possession of people of European ancestry:  What are you going to do with these 60 million White American renegades who have joined forces with the Enemy? Who are as Jewish as Ariel Sharon or Abe Foxman. Who are hand in glove with AIPAC. Who think ADL means ‘Advanced Divine Leadership’.

How are you going to fit these thoroughly Judaized allies of organized Jewry into your democratic homeland in which 98 percent of the population are non-Jews? — your country that has been taken over and transformed by the Jews into an Israeli colony?

It cannot be done. So you have a big problem.

4.  Israel and its Jewish-American Double Agents

Another big problem America needs to solve that Germany did not have to cope with is the state of Israel and its powerful lobby in America. Germany did not have Israel hanging round its neck like an albatross. The Germans were not induced to fight wars on behalf of a foreign country. They didn’t invade other countries in order to make the world safe for Israel.

Join-the-US-army-and-Fight-for-Zionism-230x300“Since September 11, 2001, the Israeli state, Zionists inside the US government, and the entire leadership of the Major American Jewish Organizations, have been entirely devoted to pushing the US into Middle East wars on behalf of Israel.” — James Petras, see here.

“Today the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.” — Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia, in a speech to the Tenth Islamic Summit Conference at Putrajaya, Malaysia, October 16, 2003.

Almost 5,000 U.S. military personnel have been sacrificed for Israel in Iraq. These are the “officially acknowledged” figures. The real figures have been put at between 50,000 and 70,000 and are probably higher. (See here and here.)

The number of seriously injured soldiers are perhaps ten times the number of the dead. Meanwhile, the number of Iraqis slaughtered amount to almost 1.5 million, with four times as many driven into neighboring countries as homeless refugees. The cost to the American taxpayer is (to date) over $980 billion, with a total cost of $3 trillion projected. (See here)

What is even more appalling is that nuclear weapons were surreptitiously used in Iraq, “dirty” weapons designed to produce hideous birth deformities in a “population cleansing war”. Here is America’s handiwork, courtesy of Israel, the instigator of this monstrous war crime.

I think that even the enemies of Zionism before 1948 failed to appreciate the extent to which organized Jewry would maximize its power once it had acquired its own headquarters and homeland — complete with its own military arsenal and espionage facilities. Archimedes provides a hint in his famous quote on the lever, often loosely translated as: “Give me a place to stand and I will move the world.” The Jews now have “a place to stand” — and they certainly are “moving the world.”

The Germans, in addition, did not have a powerful Jewish Lobby holding the entire German government to ransom. German politicians, unlike American ones, were not on Israel’s payroll via campaign contributions from AIPAC and its fabulously rich Jewish supporters. These political donations or “reward money” are bribes in all but name.

Apart from the carrot, there is of course the stick, wielded to good effect by organized Jewry against all American critics of Israel. “Their willing use of force, money and media slander,” James Petras points out, “intimidates any and all critics, including dissident politicians, media, journalists and professors.”

In pre-WW2 Germany, the Mossad did not exist. No Mossad was around to monitor the Internet activities of German politicians to see what financial or sexual shenanigans they were up to. Today, in America, it is reasonable to assume that there is constant surveillance of American politicians by Mossad — if not by AIPAC, the ADL, and their various affiliates. Indeed, the ADL famously settled a spy case that yielded documents with 10,000 names and 600 organizations thought to be insufficiently slavish toward Israel. Legal filings from the case showed that an ADL agent had a floor plan and a key for the office of Alex Odeh, a murdered Arab American leader.

It follows that the potential for blackmailing American politicians (by Israel’s agents) must today be enormous. Sibel Edmonds asks rhetorically, “Are American politicians being blackmailed? Is grass green?” Her answer:  “Of course the blackmail scenario is possible; in fact, highly possible.”

5.  Seven reasons why America is in a far worse position today than Germany was when it was under Jewish domination in the pre-Hitler era

Seven crucial points need to be hammered home.  These show that America is now in a critical situation from which nothing can save it — nothing except a military coup or violent revolution.

1.   Germany did not have to cope with 60 million Christians Zionists collaborating with the goals of organized Jewry; America does.

2.   Germany did not have the state of Israel to finance, nor did it have to fight Israel’s wars; America does.

3.   Germany’s population of Jews was relatively small compared to America’s: less than 1% of 80 million (roughly 522,000 Jews in 1933) compared to contemporary America’s 2% + of 314 million (over 6 million Jews).

4.   Since Israel had yet to be founded, Germany did not have the problem of dual citizens whose primary allegiance is to a foreign country.

5.   Although there were Jewish activist organizations in Weimar Germany, they had not achieved the power and influence of the Jewish ethnic infrastructure in the US. Organizations like AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC, the American Jewish Committee, and the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations (to name a few) are lavishly funded and influential in all areas of American life, including law enforcement, foreign policy, and all things multicultural.

6.   Jews have also erected the Holocaust Industry as a powerful guilt machine for White Americans. Traditional American culture has been substantially replaced by the culture of the Holocaust and various other non-White victimhoods, endlessly played out in the movies, television shows, and in the schools, all the way from kindergarten through the university.

7.   Above all, Germany was never threatened with multiculturalism. Promoting multiculturalism has been the focus not only of various influential Jewish intellectual movements, it has also been the most important goal of the organized Jewish community, especially since World War II.

Multiculturalism is a deadly weapon against Western civilization — a WMD of truly devastating lethality that in the long run will destroy Christianity, traditional moral values, and traditional nationalist cultures in North America, Europe, and Australia. It will also result in the dispossession and disempowerment of the white race, with the significant risk of brutal mass rape of white women in future ethnic conflicts — as happened to 2 million German women after World War II.

These are not the fanciful fears of a “racist” — for I regard all manifestations of race supremacy as fundamentally obscene — but the  predictions of a pragmatic realist historian. For if multiculturalism were so desirable, why do the Jews promote it so assiduously in all countries except Israel?

“This is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth them…” (Isaiah 42:22)
“This is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth them…” (Isaiah 42:22)

6.  Conclusion

The situation facing America is a grim one. An epidemic of escalating severity threatens us all. In the course of time, this epidemic of evil is likely to infect Eurasia and spread to other parts of the world like a cancer.

Public debt has increased to almost 70 percent in five years, from 9.9 trillion in 2008 to 16.7 trillion today.  China has begun to publically mock the level of US debt and is reluctant to continue propping up the worthless US dollar, instead earmarking the country’s $3.6 trillion of foreign reserves for the acquisition of huge chunks real estate in Europe. Soon they will be buying up America — indeed, the process has already begun.

There are also plans to sell off America’s national parks and post offices and to drastically limit the value of food stamps to the tens of millions now eking out a miserable existence in tent cities or in deep underground tunnels like sewer rats. Meanwhile, ten American executives took home $100 million each last year, with the top two raking in over $1 billion each. (See here)

Homeland Security has recently acquired 2700 armoured battle tanks for use in American cities, its own secret paramilitary forces, and 1.6 billion rounds of hollow-point ammunition — enough to kill everyone in America five times over. A domestic force of this magnitude can hardly have been assembled to protect America from a virtually non-existent terrorist threat. “This force has been assembled,” Paul Craig Roberts tells us, “to deal with starving and homeless people in the streets of America.”

Alarmist? Not so. Only a few weeks ago we learned that Obama had set a new litmus test for senior military leaders. They were asked the question: “Are you willing to open fire on your fellow American citizens if ordered to do so?” Those who answered “Yes” were the one who got the smiles. Those who said “No” were instantly dismissed.

If that doesn’t set your alarm bells ringing, nothing will.

A neo-Bolshevik style culling of America’s 314 million population appears to be on the cards. If 66 million Russian Christians, according to Solzhenitsyn, were wiped out under Jewish rule in Communist Russia, why should Americans think themselves immune to a similar bloodbath in their own country?

Wars are the Jews’ harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them and the end is not yet.” That shocking statement was reportedly made by a French Jew whose very existence is problematic. His name was Rabbi Reichorn, and he was speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Judah in Paris in 1869. Henry Ford was to add later, “And no harvest is as rich as civil wars.”

Even if no such rabbi ever existed, the controversial quote nevertheless encapsulates a frightening truth: that we are at war with an implacable enemy with whom we have been embroiled in a death struggle for the last 2000 years. And the tragedy is that most of us, like sleepwalkers in a mist, remain totally unaware of the machinations of this enemy or of the looming pitfalls that lie in front of us.

That the enemy is not entirely Jewish, but is made up of an equally malevolent non-Jewish component, hardly needs emphasis. Anti-Semitism, in the final analysis, is not the answer. Our enemy has two faces, and only one face is Jewish.

If you would like a detailed analysis of who controls America right now, click HERE.

The future looks unimaginably bleak.