Ursula: Give Third World Countries Better Deals So They Stop Siding with China

Ursula von der Leyen, an otherworldly creature of extreme offensiveness, is in talks with Universal Studios to build a terrifying theme park ride based on her hideous visage.

Way, way too late, one of the top figures running the West into the ground is coming out and noting that every third world country is switching sides to China because they don’t like how the US does business.

If only someone would have thought of this idea before the US alienated the whole world and 81 nations were lining up to join BRICS.


The EU needs to offer a real alternative to China’s economic projects for the countries of the Global South, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Saturday.

The EU and likeminded nations must use the current “window of opportunity,” as “many countries of the Global South are looking for alternative funding options,” she said at the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan.

Von der Leyen claimed that China’s Belt and Road Initiative – a global infrastructure investment strategy unveiled ten years ago – has been losing its appeal because many countries have had “bad experiences with China.”

“They took Chinese loans and ended up in a debt crisis,” she stated, adding that the EU and the G7 must fill the void.

We want to put a better offer on the table. If we are in a race, we are in a race to the top,” von der Leyen said. She added that the EU is rolling out 90 “flagship projects” on different continents as part of its Global Gateway investment scheme.

Gonna have to stop you right there, Gizmo.

Not one nation has said they have a debt crisis because of China.

Sri Lanka is the example these liars give, but Sri Lanka was paid by the West to implement aggressive ESG bullshit, and the collapse had nothing at all to do with China building a port there.

A very nice port, by the way, on reclamation land.

Meanwhile, all of the rest of Southeast Asia, plus most of Africa, and now a huge chunk of Latin America, is doing very well as a result of Chinese investment.

There aren’t usually even large loans. China just shows up with a bunch of money and starts spending it.

And it’s just too rich to have the people behind the IMF “debt trap diplomacy” scheme claiming “China is doing what we do.”

This IMF loan scheme has been going on for decades. Everyone knows about it, and how it has sucked the third world dry. You can’t just go out there and say China is doing this. China is not doing this.

Here’s the deal: unlike the West, China has no incentive to bankrupt countries. In fact, it is very much the opposite: they want the countries they are dealing with to be prosperous and have a thriving middle class to buy high-quality products at reasonable prices.

These people just LIE.

It is interesting to see the Queen Bitch talking about combating China on their own strategy, rather than simply threatening them with war constantly.

Of course, she has to say this, because Europeans are less fat – and thus less stupid – than Fatmericans, and they are looking at this G7 meeting, and dissecting the language, and saying “wait – did you just declare war on China??? Why???”

So what she is saying here is just total bullshit to placate the masses. They are not going to offer any better deals. They are going to continue with the threats, and continue trying to force countries to do gay anal rimjobs with kids.

That is official US policy – harass “allied” nations into doing gay anal.

This social manipulation stuff is one of the main reasons these countries are ditching the US. They meet with China to make deals and say “so, the US says if we do deals with them, we have to have gay sex with each other, including fisting – is this part of your program?”

When China says “no, we have no intention of interfering with your internal domestic policies, we just want to make a lot, lot, lot of money,” countries sign on the dotted line!

Remember that David Bowie song “Queen Bitch”? 

The third world is looking at the stupid, ugly women who run the West and saying “oh God, I could do better than that.”