US Embassy “Predicts” Terrorist Attacks Inside Russia

The US Embassy in Russia just issued a warning of a “possible terrorist attack” in Russia.

If that’s not a threat, then I don’t know what the hell it is.

This is a big issue that doesn’t get a lot of play: there are a lot of Moslems in Russia. This is a relic of the Russian Empire, when the Czars were conquering territory to the south that is filled with Moslems. Most of them speak Russian as a first language, but many of them are hardcore Islamic.

A whole bunch of them went to Syria to get trained by the CIA/Mossad in their ISIS program, and then returned to Russia.

So, if there were a war, even a limited war in the Ukraine, the CIA would activate all of these Moslems to start blowing up trains and buses so on. They could effectively shut down life in Russia, unless Russians declared martial law and just forced all the Moslems into camps.

I don’t know what plans Russia has for this. I’m sure they’ve thought it through, because Russians are the most highly competent strategists on earth (plz return .su).