Utah College Offers Course Where Class Watches Hardcore Porn Together

Not even magic underwear can protect you from Jewish degeneracy.

(Either that, or Mormons have stopped wearing their magic underwear. We have no way of checking this. But I don’t think someone wearing magic underwear would watch porn with other people, and probably if someone owns magic underwear, they would take them off before watching porn.)

Campus Reform:

Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah, offers a class on pornography in which students watch raunchy films as a group.

Students at the private liberal arts college can take “FILM-300O: Porn” to earn two credits toward their film studies degree during the 2022-2023 school year, according to the film department’s website.

“Hard core pornography is as American as apple pie and more popular than Sunday night football,” the course description reads. “Our approach to this billion-dollar industry is as both a cultural phenomenon that reflects and reinforces sexual inequalities (but holds the potential to challenge sexual and gender norms) and as an art form that requires serious contemplation.”

“We will watch pornographic films together and discuss the sexualization of race, class, and gender and as an experimental, radical art form,” the description adds.

Indeed, Westminster College’s film program emphasizes its “discourse community” approach, through which students share their existing knowledge with their peers.

An identical course description is listed under an offering from the gender studies department, which aims to help students explore “the social construction of gender, masculinity, intersectionality, and the women’s rights movement.”

Campus Reform has reported on multiple instances of universities pushing sexuality upon their students — both inside and outside the classroom.

Rutgers University, for example, offered a course called “Gender and the Body: Representation and Pornography” in the fall of 2021, which taught students to analyze pornography using film and gender studies methods. According to the course description, “students will learn how viewing art, film, and pornography through the lens of gender and embodiment enriches your understanding of art in general.”

In the spring of 2022, self-proclaimed sex educators Lindsay Fram and Marshall Miller spoke to students at Wentworth Institute of Technology, discussing how they can achieve female orgasms.

What is the purpose of a “female orgasm”? How is it an “orgasm” if it does not eject semen?

Is this witchcraft?

The male orgasm results in the ejaculation of semen, which contains sperm, which results in conception.

What is the purpose of a female orgasm?

Women have been going to Jewish psychologists who teach them how to use dildos to achieve this “female orgasm” using machinery and then trying to find men who can perform this feat with their penises.

Frankly, anyone promoting the concept of a “female orgasm” should be imprisoned for obscenity.

A “female orgasm” is like “gay sex.” It’s a perversion of humanity. Sex should last no longer than ten minutes – and even that is way too long. It should be more like 3 minutes. Coincidentally, experts on the “female orgasm” say it takes 13 minutes.

Who the hell has sex for 13 minutes? Do it in two minutes, clean your penis in one minute – extra ten minutes to play RimWorld.

Do you know how much can happen in RimWorld in ten minutes? Many pawns’ lives can be totally ruined, as you must watch. Marriages can fall apart, llamas can be eaten by snakes, people can dig up corpses and place them on the table in the cafeteria. It’s a whole lot more than can happen when you’re on top of some idiot braindead woman pumping for her “female orgasm.”

Women exist to serve men. Period. They have no other purpose. We sacrifice a rib to have a servant. They should be thanking us, not demanding we do witchcraft on them to satisfy their base carnal nature.

Editor’s note: 

We actually know the purpose of a “female orgasm.”

Every study done on the topic shows that when women are “raped” (false concept), they virtually all experience the mystical “female orgasm.”

This is so that women emotionally bond to a man who kidnaps them from a neighboring tribe. So-called “rape” is the number one way these creatures achieve “female orgasm” without some Nipponese electric dildo given to them by their Jewish psychologist (for $89.95 – retail price in Japan? 4 pesos).

If a woman doesn’t bond to a man who has kidnapped her, she will end up dead, which means that her genes will not pass on. Therefore, in ancient times, it was that the genes of a woman were passed on if she was a woman capable of bonding to a man who kidnapped her in a tribal raid.

Therefore: modern women are obsessed with “rape,” i.e., being seized as property by a neighboring tribe.

Therefore: 6 million shades of female obsession with sexual violence that has no purpose in a civilized society.

Meanwhile, Asian women did not buy this book, and do not obsessively seek a “female orgasm,” because the development of their society was much more orderly than the development of white society.

Of course, all of the good parts of white society – male achievement – are not present in Asian society. Chinese people had gun powder for like ten thousand years and never thought of using it to make a gun – instead they made fireworks.

Who would make glittery lights in the sky when they could be blowing holes in their enemies?


When white men finally got ahold of gun powder it is estimated that it took only 8 seconds before they said “you know, we could use this powder substance to blow holes through the bodies of our enemies.”

Point being:

White women literally want to drive society back into primitivism so they can get tingles in their disgusting gooey holes.

We have to stop them.

Our war is with these sluts as much as it is with the Jews who empower them.