VAMPIRE THOTS: Study Finds Men Get Their Life Force (氣) Sucked Out of Them by Evil THOTs After Doing Sex

Octavio Rivera
Daily Stormer
July 30, 2018



Study Finds:

Having sex may feel like a badge of honor for many men, but for others, it’s an act that, once finished, brings about intense feelings of sadness. In a new study, researchers for the first time ever have identified that women aren’t the only ones who can suffer from this emotional tidal wave in the bedroom, better known as postcoital dysphoria, or PCD.

PCD occurs when a person has, for all intents and purposes, enjoyable consensual sex with a partner, but is met with “inexplicable feelings of tearfulness, sadness, or irritability” afterwards.

Many of you reading this are on your teens and twenties, and most likely think of sex as something great and probably the ultimate pleasure.

How can these men that have achieved the highest of honors, the honor of entering some random sterile whore’s cavern, be so ungrateful and allow themselves to feel that way?

How is this possible?

Researchers from the Queensland University of Technology say PCD had only previously been recognized in women, but after a survey of 1,208 men from numerous countries — including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Russia — it’s clear that the condition is more common among males than one might expect. In fact, four in 10 participants recalled suffering from PCD symptoms at some point in their lives.

“Forty-one percent of the participants reported experiencing PCD in their lifetime with 20 percent reporting they had experienced it in the previous four weeks,” says co-author Joel Maczkowiack, a masters student at the university’s school of psychology, in a release.


Women are not really women anymore. It’s true.

Think about what women are.

Think about what women are supposed to be.

They’re born with the best equipment available for the production of babies. Everything needed to grow and feed a baby is in their bodies.

They’re walking baby factories.

Yes, that’s what women are. Baby-making machines that can be trained by men to perform other trivial tasks such as preparing food following recipes made by men, keeping your house made by men and your clothes designed by men clean, and giving you massages following techniques invented by men whenever you feel like getting one.

What do modern women do? Nothing close to what actual women do.

They’re not women. They’re not even girls.

They’re whores.

The Jews ruined our women. We let it happen.

As many as 4 percent of the individuals, who voluntarily participated in the online questionnaire via postings on social media and psychological research websites, said they battle PCD symptoms regularly. Men acknowledged that statements such as “I don’t want to be touched and want to be left alone,” or “I feel unsatisfied, annoyed and very fidgety. All I really want is to leave and distract myself from everything I participated in,” applied to them when thinking about times they’d made love. Others described feeling “emotionless and empty” even though the sex was otherwise satisfactory.

Of course they don’t want to be touched by those filthy whores that have taken more dicks in than there are fingers in your family.

Of course they want to be left alone.

Of course they’re unsatisfied, annoyed, and very fidgety.

Of course they’ll want to distract themselves and forget what they just did.

You have evolution to thank for that. Evolution has always had your back, fam.

Just look in the mirror.


In the past, the best way to ensure that you were not getting some disgusting STD that would kill you was to make sure the woman you were having sex with was a virgin. Successful men, that is, those who didn’t die from nasty STDs, remained alive long enough to reproduce and thus this characteristic was incorporated.

That disgust you feel when you look at a filthy whore – That’s your ancestors having your back.

They’re screaming at you. They’re telling you, man. You just have to listen.

They’re telling you to stop wasting your divine energy on these lesser beings.

They’re telling you their wickedness is beneath you.

They’re trying their best to let you know that you’re the prize, not them.

You’re the one that creates.

You’re the one that produces.

You’re the one that exerts his will unto the world.

Women can be fun, maybe. You can have fun doing the sex thing with them. That’s okay. Just don’t let that turn into the focus of your energy. Don’t let it become your purpose because everything inside you is telling you it isn’t enough. It won’t fulfill your spirit.

You need a true purpose.

“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

Your true purpose needs you.

“What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission alloted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility.”

You’re the one that transforms reality.

Editor's Note: This article does not respresent the views of the Daily Stormer or its publishers, who believe you should do cocaine, fuck hookers and then beat them up before escaping in an Uber with an account you registered with a fake name.