Very Normal Ye Interview Shut Down on Clubhouse

Ye did an interview on Saturday with the blacks on Clubhouse (a $20 app). It was cut off early into it after he mentioned the Jews.

He later resumed the interview off of Clubhouse.

Ye was very chill, and talked about policy, including his opposition to the death penalty. He said that the government is so corrupt, we can’t have the death penalty, because they are imprisoning the wrong people. This is an old Ron Paul argument that I have supported. I agree with the death penalty in theory, but this government doesn’t have a right to kill anyone. This government doesn’t even have basic legitimacy. People just get framed by the sickening cops every day.

Ye also clarified his Hitler comments in the best possible way: he explained that he loves everyone, because that is the Christian way, and the Jews can’t tell him he’s not allowed to love Hitler. People keep saying the Hitler stuff is disqualifying, but if he loves everyone, he has to love Hitler. Christians understand this message. Jews don’t understand love, but Jews weren’t going to vote for Ye anyway.

It was also good and very telling to see the blacks agreeing with him on everything in this interview. Also, when it got shut down, the blacks flipped out and started talking about how there are Jewish spies everywhere watching everything black people do and trying to control them.

Right now, there is an explosion of anti-Semitism (fake term) in the black community, and the Jews created this. They should have just left Ye alone, let him keep his family, and allowed him to get his contracts fixed, but they forced him to go Death Con on them.

It’s really over for the Jews. They are out there now doing this big thing about “oh my oh my, we have to bring blacks and Jews back together again!”

The blacks don’t go for that at all. There is zero chance that the blacks are ever going to respect the Jews after this massive debacle.

This is the problem the Jews have: you can’t use force to make people like you. You can use your power to destroy those who oppose you, and try to get the entire population to live in total fear of you, but that’s all. If the population isn’t afraid, Jews lose.

People believe in Jesus and they are done being afraid of Jewish terror tactics.

Jesus said: “fear not, for I am with you.”

If God is with us, who can be against us?

Certainly not these Satan-worshiping child molester Jews.