Vulnerable Innocents Return Home to Die in War Because Germany Not Good

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2016

So here’s another video of migrants talking about how they’re going home to their “brutal civil war” rather than deal with not enough free everything in Germany.

This follows a video of “Syrian” hipsters saying they’d rather go home than stay in a dorm room with no TV and one of Afghani migrants saying they want to go home because it’s too cold.

These clips must be very confusing to the true believer, who has been told that these people are escaping a “brutal civil war.” In actual fact, only one in four of these “migrants” comes from Syria, where there is a war. And Turkey already has full “refugee” facilities for anyone who wants to leave Syria, including more jobs than Germany is able to offer.

Turkish refugee camp: if you're actually "fleeing for your life" from a "brutal civil war," one would think this would be enough for you.
Turkish refugee camp: if you’re actually “fleeing for your life” from a “brutal civil war,” one would think this would be enough for you.

Whether from Syria or any of the other countries, they all come to Germany for purely economic reasons, wanting free stuff from the German taxpayer.

They have the minds of little children, thinking that all they would have to do is show up and they’d be automatically gifted with mansions, sports cars and Rolexes. The ones with the intellectual capacity of a 8-year-old will go home when they realize this dream of automatic free everything is a fantasy.

But those with the intellectual capacity of a 4-year-old – the overwhelming majority of these men – will stay to take revenge on the German people in the form of ficki ficki and terrorism.

Someone should have thought all of this through a bit better.