Watch: Boeing Engineers Break Through Border Razor Wire, Push Guards

These people are poor. They come from poor countries. They need to live in free hotel rooms and be paid $2,200 a month in cash.

Further: these are exactly the kind of people Boeing is trying to hire.

New York Post:

A group of over 100 migrants attempted to enter the US illegally by rushing a border wall Thursday, breaking through razor wire and knocking over guards in the process.

The Post had earlier witnessed around 600 migrants amassed at the international border, as part of a ‘spring surge’ of migrants arriving and hoping to gain access to the US.

The Texas National Guard were attempting to organize them into smaller groups, but the situation grew tense after some women and children were separated from adult males by the guardsmen.

Video taken by The Post showed one set of migrants, mostly single men, then rushing the Texas troops.

A group of men with hoodies, gloves and winter jackets could be seen pulling fencing away and dashing through the concertina wire, as a group of five guards formed a defensive position to fill the gap.

The guardsmen firmly held their rifles and stood their ground in front of the migrants, who heavily outnumbered them. A few put their hands directly on the migrants to keep them back in response to being pushed, as the scene became louder and more chaotic.

In the video some figures put their hands up in surrender, but seconds later others scramble through, with some coming through the guards’ legs and knocking them out of the way.

The group then scrambled to the border gate and started to shout at guardsmen on the other side.

“We have women and children, we’re hungry,” The Post heard one male migrant scream, even though most children were in another group – one which was being prepared for processing to be let into the country.

We’ve said it a lot: everyone who wants in gets in.

If that wasn’t true, Mexico would figure out a way to stop these people, because they don’t want them. No one wants a bunch of Venezuelan criminals, other than Americans.