Watch: Brutal Cops Launch Full-Scale Military Operation Anti-Genocide Protesters at Brooklyn Museum

So, I guess we should probably just keep doing the “what if this was a BLM protest” meme over and over again?

It’s just so obvious, and so incisive, that I think we just have to keep asking “what do you think would have happened if this was a BLM protest?”

The answer, of course, is that the cops would have showed up and then kneeled down in solidarity with the BLM protesters.

When the protest is against Jews, however?

Military style assault.

New York Post:

A seething mob of anti-Israel protesters busted inside the Brooklyn Museum Friday, where they set up an encampment, defaced artwork and draped a banner from the side of the building declaring the war in Gaza “genocide.”

The intruders — who were the vanguard of a massive demonstration nearly 1,000 people strong — scaled the building and rappelled down inside of the art museum with climbing equipment, police sources said.

Hundreds of others surrounded the museum and some protesters got into scuffles with security guards, according to a museum spokesperson.

“Our public safety staff were physically and verbally harassed,” said the spokesperson, who noted that artwork on the plaza was also damaged.

Roughly 800 people gathered outside of the museum, located adjacent to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens.

Scores of demonstrators holding banners and signs were filmed by an independent journalist inside of the museum lobby chanting “From the sea to the river, Palestine will live forever.”

Police cleared out the building and handcuffed several protesters as others locked outside of the museum pounded on the doors, according to video posted to social media.

I wonder if any of these anti-Israel protesters are self-aware enough to say to themselves “gee, it sure seems like the government was supportive of BLM, but they have a very different opinion of this anti-Israel stuff”?

Because according to the basic leftist theories, BLM and anti-Israel protests are the same thing.

Frankly, the Ben Shapiro right is also trying to claim that BLM and anti-Israel are the same thing.

Neither party is explaining the difference in response by the cops.

If anything, the fact that there is a “leftist” president in charge should mean that the cops should be even more supportive of a leftist protest, no?